
Request 1111962 accepted

- On building package fdupes can create improper symbolic link for
an empty file chardet/cli/__init__.py
- Make rpmlint not reacting on script file in the docs as
we are not shipping it with the Salt Bundle anyway
- Added:
* prevent_fake_link.patch
* saltbundlepy-chardet-rpmlintrc

Request History
Victor Zhestkov's avatar

vizhestkov created request

- On building package fdupes can create improper symbolic link for
an empty file chardet/cli/__init__.py
- Make rpmlint not reacting on script file in the docs as
we are not shipping it with the Salt Bundle anyway
- Added:
* prevent_fake_link.patch
* saltbundlepy-chardet-rpmlintrc

Yeray Gutiérrez Cedrés's avatar

ygutierrez accepted request

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