
Request 1111977 accepted

- Revert usage of long running REQ channel to prevent possible
missing responses on requests and dublicated responses
(bsc#1213960, bsc#1213630, bsc#1213257)
* revert-usage-of-long-running-req-channel-bsc-1213960.patch
- Fix gitfs cachedir basename to avoid hash collisions
(bsc#1193948, bsc#1214797, CVE-2023-20898)
* fixed-gitfs-cachedir_basename-to-avoid-hash-collisio.patch
- Ship SELinux policy module version 19 to make it compatible
with broader list of Linux distributions
- Updated:
* venv-salt-minion-selinux.tar.gz

- Make sure configured user is properly set by Salt (bsc#1210994)
- Do not fail on bad message pack message (bsc#1213441, CVE-2023-20897, bsc#1214796)
* make-sure-configured-user-is-properly-set-by-salt-bs.patch
* do-not-fail-on-bad-message-pack-message-bsc-1213441-.patch

- Do not recompile SELinux policy module on building.
Use precompiled module instead to avoid incompatibility errors.
- Fix broken tests to make them running in the testsuite
- Prevent possible exceptions on salt.utils.user.get_group_dict
- Added:
* prevent-possible-exceptions-on-salt.utils.user.get_g.patch
* fix-tests-to-make-them-running-with-salt-testsuite.patch
- Create minion_id with reproducible mtime
- Fix detection of Salt codename by "salt_version" execution module
- Fix regression: multiple values for keyword argument 'saltenv' (bsc#1212844)
- Fix the regression of user.present state when group is unset (bsc#1212855)
- Added:

Request History
Victor Zhestkov's avatar

vizhestkov created request

- Revert usage of long running REQ channel to prevent possible
missing responses on requests and dublicated responses
(bsc#1213960, bsc#1213630, bsc#1213257)
* revert-usage-of-long-running-req-channel-bsc-1213960.patch
- Fix gitfs cachedir basename to avoid hash collisions
(bsc#1193948, bsc#1214797, CVE-2023-20898)
* fixed-gitfs-cachedir_basename-to-avoid-hash-collisio.patch
- Ship SELinux policy module version 19 to make it compatible
with broader list of Linux distributions
- Updated:
* venv-salt-minion-selinux.tar.gz

- Make sure configured user is properly set by Salt (bsc#1210994)
- Do not fail on bad message pack message (bsc#1213441, CVE-2023-20897, bsc#1214796)
* make-sure-configured-user-is-properly-set-by-salt-bs.patch
* do-not-fail-on-bad-message-pack-message-bsc-1213441-.patch

- Do not recompile SELinux policy module on building.
Use precompiled module instead to avoid incompatibility errors.
- Fix broken tests to make them running in the testsuite
- Prevent possible exceptions on salt.utils.user.get_group_dict
- Added:
* prevent-possible-exceptions-on-salt.utils.user.get_g.patch
* fix-tests-to-make-them-running-with-salt-testsuite.patch
- Create minion_id with reproducible mtime
- Fix detection of Salt codename by "salt_version" execution module
- Fix regression: multiple values for keyword argument 'saltenv' (bsc#1212844)
- Fix the regression of user.present state when group is unset (bsc#1212855)
- Added:

Yeray Gutiérrez Cedrés's avatar

ygutierrez accepted request

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