
Request 1112149 accepted

- version update to 7.1.0
* use tomllib from stdlib
* handle non-ascii in setup.cfg
* implement fallback file finders for archives
* removed coding header in python template
* declared Python 3.11 support
* update .git_archival.txt templates match
* git-describe invocation
* fix handling of .git-archival.txt from tagged
- release 7.0.5
* fixes #742 , #745: correctly hande accidentally released
archival files
- release 7.0.4
* fix #727: correctly handle incomplete archivals from
* fix #691: correctly handle specifying root in pyproject.toml
* correct root override check condition (to ensure absolute path
* allow root by the cli to be considered relative to the cli
(using abspath)
- release 7.0.3
* fix mercurial usage when pip primes a isolated environment
* fix regression for branch names on git + add a test
- release 7.0.2
* fix #723 and #722: remove bootstrap dependencies
* bugfix: ensure we read the distribution name from setup.cfg if
needed even for pyproject
- release 7.0.1
* fix #718: Avoid `ModuleNotFoundError` by requiring

Request History
Victor Zhestkov's avatar

vizhestkov created request

- version update to 7.1.0
* use tomllib from stdlib
* handle non-ascii in setup.cfg
* implement fallback file finders for archives
* removed coding header in python template
* declared Python 3.11 support
* update .git_archival.txt templates match
* git-describe invocation
* fix handling of .git-archival.txt from tagged
- release 7.0.5
* fixes #742 , #745: correctly hande accidentally released
archival files
- release 7.0.4
* fix #727: correctly handle incomplete archivals from
* fix #691: correctly handle specifying root in pyproject.toml
* correct root override check condition (to ensure absolute path
* allow root by the cli to be considered relative to the cli
(using abspath)
- release 7.0.3
* fix mercurial usage when pip primes a isolated environment
* fix regression for branch names on git + add a test
- release 7.0.2
* fix #723 and #722: remove bootstrap dependencies
* bugfix: ensure we read the distribution name from setup.cfg if
needed even for pyproject
- release 7.0.1
* fix #718: Avoid `ModuleNotFoundError` by requiring

Pablo Suárez Hernández's avatar

PSuarezHernandez accepted request

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