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Request 1112215 accepted

- update to 1.4.4:
* Don't import appdirs from (PR#92)

Pablo Suárez Hernández's avatar

Maybe we should make changelog to follow the guides at to prevent possibles issues from autobuild?

Victor Zhestkov's avatar

Do you mean the bullet on the 2nd level ? '-' -> '*', actually it is the original changelog entry from the source I used for update.

Pablo Suárez Hernández's avatar

Yeah, the 2nd level: '-' -> '*'.

I noticed the entry was coming from the original package but since it was an old entry from 2020, maybe now the policy is more strict and autobuild will warn us on next submission.

Request History
Victor Zhestkov's avatar

vizhestkov created request

- update to 1.4.4:
* Don't import appdirs from (PR#92)

Pablo Suárez Hernández's avatar

PSuarezHernandez accepted request

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