
Request 1113342 revoked

Create a new package arm64laptop-firmware-dt, which installs sc8280xp-lenovo-thinkpad-x13s.dtb on ESP since the Lenovo X13s' ACPI doesn't support Linux and its UEFI FW has to preload the DTB file from ESP and then apply some runtime DT overlays before booting to grub2 and then Linux. Without preloading the DTB, the system wouldn't boot since the UEFI FW does not contain a default DTB. (bsc#1215647)

Ivan Ivanov's avatar

Sorry, my comment in your home repo was supposed to be posted here :-)

Is "/boot/aa64dtb" something which hard-coded in laptop UEFI? And again, if this is just for one laptop, perhaps more concrete name will be better.

Chester Lin's avatar
author source maintainer

Hi Ivan,

I am not sure if I understand your question correctly, but "/boot/aa64dtb" is not in ESP. It is a folder under /boot that holds target DTBs before copying into the ESP. In general, the real installation happens in the %post section when the ESP is successfully mounted. For the installation-images package however, there will be no chance to do %post so I will create another PR to installation-images, which manually copies /boot/aa64dtb/*.dtb to the ESP as we have done for the raspberrypi-firmware-dt package.

For the purpose of being generic, I expect that this package will cover X13s and all other arm64 laptops that need this kind of DTB installation at present or in the future. For example, I assume that the next generation of X13s would also have the same requirement.

Andreas Färber's avatar

Note that on the RPi we needed to deal with pre-UEFI partitioning schemes as well.

Maybe here a better installation location would be /usr/share/<packagename>/?

Chester Lin's avatar
author source maintainer

This location looks good to me. I will revise my SR. Thanks.

Request History
Chester Lin's avatar

clin created request

Create a new package arm64laptop-firmware-dt, which installs sc8280xp-lenovo-thinkpad-x13s.dtb on ESP since the Lenovo X13s' ACPI doesn't support Linux and its UEFI FW has to preload the DTB file from ESP and then apply some runtime DT overlays before booting to grub2 and then Linux. Without preloading the DTB, the system wouldn't boot since the UEFI FW does not contain a default DTB. (bsc#1215647)

Chester Lin's avatar

clin revoked request

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