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Request 1114983 accepted

- Add explicit this-is-only-for-build-envs requires to krb5-mini
and krb5-mini-devel: the mini flavors are currently excluded
using special hacks from the FTP Tree. In order to eliminate this
hack, we need to ensure the packages are not viable for real
installations. We achieve this with a dep that is never provided,
but ignored by OBS.

Request History
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar created request

- Add explicit this-is-only-for-build-envs requires to krb5-mini
and krb5-mini-devel: the mini flavors are currently excluded
using special hacks from the FTP Tree. In order to eliminate this
hack, we need to ensure the packages are not viable for real
installations. We achieve this with a dep that is never provided,
but ignored by OBS.

Samuel Cabrero's avatar

scabrero accepted request

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