
Request 1120038 accepted

- Update to 1.3.0
* Integrate support for param reactive expressions and expose pn.rx
* Implement ChatMessage, ChatFeed and ChatInterface components
* Unify OAuth implementations and refresh access_token
* Add ColorMap widget
* Add unit to widget in HoloViews pane if provided
* Allow registering global on_session_destroyed callback
* Implement auto_grow on TextAreaInput
* Add ability to redirect users from authorization callback
* Add support for Path object in FileDownload
* Add authorization_code and password based OAuth login handlers
* Add format to EditableFloatSlider and EditableIntSlider
* Add support for decorating async functions with pn.io.cache
* Map param.Bytes to FileInput widget
* Add support for Python 3.12 and drop Python 3.8 support
* Compatibility with param 2.0.0
* Compatibility with Bokeh 3.3.0
* more bugfixes, see upstream CHANGELOG.md

Request History
Markéta Machová's avatar

mcalabkova created request

- Update to 1.3.0
* Integrate support for param reactive expressions and expose pn.rx
* Implement ChatMessage, ChatFeed and ChatInterface components
* Unify OAuth implementations and refresh access_token
* Add ColorMap widget
* Add unit to widget in HoloViews pane if provided
* Allow registering global on_session_destroyed callback
* Implement auto_grow on TextAreaInput
* Add ability to redirect users from authorization callback
* Add support for Path object in FileDownload
* Add authorization_code and password based OAuth login handlers
* Add format to EditableFloatSlider and EditableIntSlider
* Add support for decorating async functions with pn.io.cache
* Map param.Bytes to FileInput widget
* Add support for Python 3.12 and drop Python 3.8 support
* Compatibility with param 2.0.0
* Compatibility with Bokeh 3.3.0
* more bugfixes, see upstream CHANGELOG.md

Matej Cepl's avatar

mcepl accepted request


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