Request 1120122 revoked
- Replace cargo1.69 and rust1.69 with generic cargo and rust
BuildRequires. Use default cargo and rust available.
- Created by iznogood
- In state revoked
- Package maintainer: wrosenauer
- Replace cargo1.69 and rust1.69 with generic cargo and rust
BuildRequires. Use default cargo and rust available.
The idea about that explicit definition is https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/writing-rust-code/update-policy.html So we are trying to reflect closely what upstream is using at least as long as the underlying distribution let us do this. Your submission does not contain any hint on why you propose to change it. So it's hard to consider.
Right - did not know that. Sensible enough.
The idea was that until "needed" to set the generic version, allowing Tumbleweed to drop older versions of rust as nothing needs them anymore. Promted by me seeing https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1116146 -> blocked by https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/home:repo-checker/reports/openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:19
Generated from http://botmaster.suse.de:8153/go/tab/build/detail/AdiChecker.Factory/50184/Run/1/Run#tab-console
rust1.69 is still a build requirement of:
So since thunderbird built fine with "generic" rust/cargo, I figured the explicit version just stemmed from past versions needing a "newer" version than the default at some time. Clearly I was wrong :-)