
Request 1120392 revoked


I, hereby, am submitting a package, Koi, a utility for managing automatic (daylight/nightlight) switching between Light/Dark Themes on the KDE Plasma desktop to 'official' SUSE repositories.

I, however, do not know if I am submitting into the correct category (target project) as there is no repository stating 'Unofficial programs/applications for the KDE desktop envirnonment". There are only repositories for 'OFFICIAL' KDE Apps, but nothing outside of that . . .

I am willing to be maintaining this program until it exists as I find it very useful using it myself.

Thank you for any response,
Martin from Liberec, Czechia


Martin von Reichenberg's avatar


I, hereby, am submitting a package, Koi, a utility for managing automatic (daylight/nightlight) switching between Light/Dark Themes on the KDE Plasma desktop to 'official' SUSE repositories.

I, however, do not know if I am submitting into the correct category (target project) as there is no repository stating 'Unofficial programs/applications for the KDE desktop envirnonment". There are only repositories for 'OFFICIAL' KDE Apps, but nothing outside of that . . .

I am willing to be maintaining this program until it exists as I find it very useful using it myself.

Thank you for any response, Martin from Liberec, Czechia

Fabian Vogt's avatar

This is something for KDE:Extra I suppose.

Fabian Vogt's avatar

Use %autosetup -p1, not %setup

Martin von Reichenberg's avatar

... Was wondering why necessarily %autosetup instead of %setup when there are no patches present . . .

Fabian Vogt's avatar

For consistency with other packages and when patches get added/removed, this doesn't need to be touched.

Fabian Vogt's avatar

Do not require patterns

Fabian Vogt's avatar

BuildArch: noarch is wrong, it contains binaries.

Fabian Vogt's avatar

The _service is not needed, the .spec already has the URL.

Martin von Reichenberg's avatar

From security standpoint view it is better to use _Service file than manually uploaded archived source files for checking its validity using checksums because I could manually upload an archived source file and modify it by inserting whatever I want and rename it. So I found it more convenient and "shorter" . . .

Fabian Vogt's avatar

Checksums can be faked just as easily.

Ideally you use GPG signatures, but currently this is redundant. For submissions there's also the source_validator which redownloads the source and compares it.

Using master + checksum is definitely wrong in any case.

Fabian Vogt's avatar

Please use the proper version in the URL, not master

Fabian Vogt's avatar

%fdupes should be used without -s

Fabian Vogt's avatar

The calls to make are redundant and need to be removed.

Fabian Vogt's avatar

IMO the "Disclaimer" doesn't need to be in the description

Fabian Vogt's avatar

Requires: desktop-file-utils looks unnecessary

Christophe Marin's avatar

Please also remove changes authors from the .changes file.

The PKGBUILD doesn't look useful if the package moves to KDE:Extra. AUR already has a koi package (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/koi)

Christophe Marin's avatar

The glibc-devel BuildRequires is not useful, it will be pulled automatically

Martin von Reichenberg's avatar

And what about the changes originally suggested by @krop ?_? No longer relevant, or?

``%{_bindir} → - %{_kf5_bindir}``   

%{_datadir}/applications → %{_kf5_applicationsdir}

``%{_datadir}/icons → %{_kf5_iconsdir}``

Christophe Marin's avatar

no need, the koi build system doesn't use the KDE cmake macros

Christophe Marin's avatar

And please rename the package, the .spec and .changes files to lowercase 'koi'

Martin von Reichenberg's avatar

Hello folks, I will look into it and change it accordingly; I will establish a new repository: KDE:Extra(:Koi) and submit the new changes there.

@favogt - I used the master version because it contains fixes for Fixing multiple issues when switching mode. (#64); Already submitted a pull request on GitHub and will request a new version release - if possible . . .

@krop - Do you mean to remove it entirely across (including header) the .changes file or only at the end of the files . . . ?_?

@krop - That can be surely done . . .

Anything else ?_?

Christophe Marin's avatar

Only mention of authors in koi.changes

All issues should be covered with the comments above, we'll have another look when you submit the changes

Request History
Martin von Reichenberg's avatar

MartinVonReichenberg created request


I, hereby, am submitting a package, Koi, a utility for managing automatic (daylight/nightlight) switching between Light/Dark Themes on the KDE Plasma desktop to 'official' SUSE repositories.

I, however, do not know if I am submitting into the correct category (target project) as there is no repository stating 'Unofficial programs/applications for the KDE desktop envirnonment". There are only repositories for 'OFFICIAL' KDE Apps, but nothing outside of that . . .

I am willing to be maintaining this program until it exists as I find it very useful using it myself.

Thank you for any response,
Martin from Liberec, Czechia

Martin von Reichenberg's avatar

MartinVonReichenberg revoked request

The source project 'home:MartinVonReichenberg:KDE' has been removed

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