Request 1125747 accepted
- updated to 1.019
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PAR/Changes
1.019 2023-11-01
- register XS DLLs extracted into $PAR_TEMP/inc with %PAR::Heavy::FullCache
This solves the problems mentioned in GitHub PR #8
("Special case Gtk related dlls to dl_load from the unpacked inc dir")
with applications using modules Gtk2, Pango, Cairo and others (this is
a Windows only problem)
- Heavy.pm: use strict; use warnings
Thanks @shawnlaffan
Request History
tinita created request
- updated to 1.019
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PAR/Changes
1.019 2023-11-01
- register XS DLLs extracted into $PAR_TEMP/inc with %PAR::Heavy::FullCache
This solves the problems mentioned in GitHub PR #8
("Special case Gtk related dlls to dl_load from the unpacked inc dir")
with applications using modules Gtk2, Pango, Cairo and others (this is
a Windows only problem)
- Heavy.pm: use strict; use warnings
Thanks @shawnlaffan
dstoecker accepted request