
Request 1127313 accepted

- Minor spec file cleanups:
+ Implement shared library packaging policy: the library is
packaged as libqrtr1; source name remains qrtr, devel package
remains qrtr-devel.
+ Use make_install macro instead of self-crafted install
instructions: This results in the binaries and systemd service
also being installed (as part of the main package qrtr).
+ Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for ldconfig post/postun.
+ Use full source URL.
+ Drop deprecated Group: tags.


Request History
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar created request

- Minor spec file cleanups:
+ Implement shared library packaging policy: the library is
packaged as libqrtr1; source name remains qrtr, devel package
remains qrtr-devel.
+ Use make_install macro instead of self-crafted install
instructions: This results in the binaries and systemd service
also being installed (as part of the main package qrtr).
+ Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for ldconfig post/postun.
+ Use full source URL.
+ Drop deprecated Group: tags.

Guillaume GARDET's avatar

Guillaume_G accepted request

Thanks for the clean-up !

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