
Request 1127925 accepted

- Updated to 5.3.3 release. As this is a major step, just the
highlights are mentioned:
* Measure multiple event sets in a round*robin fashion (no multiplexing!)
* Event options to filter the counter increments
* Whole LIKWID functionality is exposed as API for C/C++ and Lua
* New functions in the Marker API to switch event sets and get intermediate
* Topology code relies on hwloc. CPUID is still included but only as fallback
* Most LIKWID applications are written in Lua (only exception likwid*bench)
* Monitoring daemon likwid*agent with multiple output backends
* Basic support for Linux perf_event interface instead of native access.
Currently only core*local counters working, Uncore is experimental
* Support to build against a existing Lua installation (5.1 * 5.3 tested)
* Support for CPU frequency manipulation, Lua interface updated
* Access module checks for LLNL's msr_safe kernel module
* Support for counter registers that are only available when
HyperThreading is off
* Fix for non*HyperThreading counters (PMC4*7) on Intel Broadwell
* Socket measurements can be used for all cores on the socket in
metric formulas.
* Support for Nvidia GPU monitoring (with NvMarkerAPI)
* New clock frequency backend (with less overhead)
* Generation of benchmarks for likwid*bench on*the*fly from ptt files
* Switch back to C*based metric calculator (less overhead)
* Interface function to performance groups, create your own.
* Integration of GOTCHA for hooking into client application at runtime
* Thread*local initialization of streams for likwid*bench
* Enhanced support for SLURM with likwid*mpirun
* New MPI and Hybrid pinning features for likwid*mpirun
* Interface to enable the membind kernel memory policy


Request History
Christian Goll's avatar

mslacken created request

- Updated to 5.3.3 release. As this is a major step, just the
highlights are mentioned:
* Measure multiple event sets in a round*robin fashion (no multiplexing!)
* Event options to filter the counter increments
* Whole LIKWID functionality is exposed as API for C/C++ and Lua
* New functions in the Marker API to switch event sets and get intermediate
* Topology code relies on hwloc. CPUID is still included but only as fallback
* Most LIKWID applications are written in Lua (only exception likwid*bench)
* Monitoring daemon likwid*agent with multiple output backends
* Basic support for Linux perf_event interface instead of native access.
Currently only core*local counters working, Uncore is experimental
* Support to build against a existing Lua installation (5.1 * 5.3 tested)
* Support for CPU frequency manipulation, Lua interface updated
* Access module checks for LLNL's msr_safe kernel module
* Support for counter registers that are only available when
HyperThreading is off
* Fix for non*HyperThreading counters (PMC4*7) on Intel Broadwell
* Socket measurements can be used for all cores on the socket in
metric formulas.
* Support for Nvidia GPU monitoring (with NvMarkerAPI)
* New clock frequency backend (with less overhead)
* Generation of benchmarks for likwid*bench on*the*fly from ptt files
* Switch back to C*based metric calculator (less overhead)
* Interface function to performance groups, create your own.
* Integration of GOTCHA for hooking into client application at runtime
* Thread*local initialization of streams for likwid*bench
* Enhanced support for SLURM with likwid*mpirun
* New MPI and Hybrid pinning features for likwid*mpirun
* Interface to enable the membind kernel memory policy

Martin Hauke's avatar

mnhauke accepted request

looks good, thanks!

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