
Request 1128988 accepted

- Update to version 0.9.0:
- Packaging improvements:
* _service change disabled to manual per osc deprecation warning:
WARNING: Command 'disabledrun/dr' is obsolete, please convert
your _service to use 'manual' and then 'manualrun/mr' instead.


Jeff Kowalczyk's avatar
author reviewer source maintainer target maintainer

@mnhauke This SR brings package fq up to date with 0.9.0 as you intended with revoked SR 1128807.

To submit updates to devel:languages:go, branch with:

osc bco devel:languages:go/fq

In the branch directory, run:

osc service mr

You will need obs-service-go_modules installed.

osc rm <old tarball>
osc add <new tarball>

Some upstream projects commit messages can be noisy, fq is not one of these. Manual cleanup of low-information generated changelog entries e.g. fix or update docs is fine when needed.

Request History
Jeff Kowalczyk's avatar

jfkw created request

- Update to version 0.9.0:
- Packaging improvements:
* _service change disabled to manual per osc deprecation warning:
WARNING: Command 'disabledrun/dr' is obsolete, please convert
your _service to use 'manual' and then 'manualrun/mr' instead.

Jeff Kowalczyk's avatar

jfkw accepted review

Review OK for devel:languages:go

Jeff Kowalczyk's avatar

jfkw approved review

Review OK for devel:languages:go

Jeff Kowalczyk's avatar

jfkw accepted request

Accept to devel:languages:go

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