
Request 1132258 accepted

- update to SeaMonkey 2.53.18
* Update Branding info bug 1841167.
* Use BugSplat for SeaMonkey crash reporting bug 1835524.
* Unify notifications and permissions in SeaMonkey bug 1849526.
* SeaMonkey 2.53.18 uses the same backend as Firefox and contains
the relevant Firefox 60.8 security fixes.
* SeaMonkey 2.53.18 shares most parts of the mail and news code with
Thunderbird. Please read the Thunderbird 60.8.0 release notes for
specific security fixes in this release.
* Additional important security fixes up to Current Firefox 115.5
and Thunderbird 115.5 ESR plus many enhancements have been
backported. We will continue to enhance SeaMonkey security in
subsequent 2.53.x beta and release versions as fast as we are able
- remove obsolete patch seamonkey-binutils.patch
- remove obsolete patches 1817900-13-112a1.patch, 1849874-11503.patch,
and TOP-NOBUG-revendor-253172.patch
- request inclusion in Leap 15.4, 15.5, and 15.6:

Request History
Tristan Miller's avatar

psych0naut created request

- update to SeaMonkey 2.53.18
* Update Branding info bug 1841167.
* Use BugSplat for SeaMonkey crash reporting bug 1835524.
* Unify notifications and permissions in SeaMonkey bug 1849526.
* SeaMonkey 2.53.18 uses the same backend as Firefox and contains
the relevant Firefox 60.8 security fixes.
* SeaMonkey 2.53.18 shares most parts of the mail and news code with
Thunderbird. Please read the Thunderbird 60.8.0 release notes for
specific security fixes in this release.
* Additional important security fixes up to Current Firefox 115.5
and Thunderbird 115.5 ESR plus many enhancements have been
backported. We will continue to enhance SeaMonkey security in
subsequent 2.53.x beta and release versions as fast as we are able
- remove obsolete patch seamonkey-binutils.patch
- remove obsolete patches 1817900-13-112a1.patch, 1849874-11503.patch,
and TOP-NOBUG-revendor-253172.patch
- request inclusion in Leap 15.4, 15.5, and 15.6:

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Maintenance Bot's avatar

maintbot accepted review


Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review


Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger approved review


Robert Frohl's avatar

rfrohl moved maintenance target to openSUSE:Maintenance:18222

Robert Frohl's avatar

rfrohl accepted request

accepted request 1132258:Thanks!

For information about the update, see https://build.opensuse.org/project/maintenance_incidents/openSUSE:Maintenance

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