
Request 1133589 accepted

- Update to version 5.1.3
* Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the
* The MD5 hash value of the current map’s WAD is now displayed
by the mapstats CCMD.
* Further improvements have been made to the parsing of
bossaction in MAPINFO lumps.
* A bug is fixed whereby selecting an episode in the menu
wouldn’t change the episode CVAR in some instances.
* SIGIL will now still be automatically loaded if found and
SIGIL II is manually loaded.
* Improvements have been made to recognizing the SIGIL and
SIGIL II WAD files if they have been renamed.

- Update to version 5.1.2
* Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the
* These improvements have been made to the support for John
Romero’s SIGIL II:
+ "SIGIL" can no longer be selected in the episode menu if
SIGIL isn’t loaded but SIGIL II is.
+ The Spider Mastermind’s health in E6M8: Abyss Of Despair is
now correct.
+ Thorr’s music is now louder.
* If known, the author of the current map is now displayed by
the mapstats CCMD.
* A bug is fixed whereby the corpses of monsters could remain
solid, blocking the player’s path, in some rare instances.
* Minor improvements have been made to text autocompleted in the
console by pressing the TAB key.


Request History
Martin Hauke's avatar

mnhauke created request

- Update to version 5.1.3
* Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the
* The MD5 hash value of the current map’s WAD is now displayed
by the mapstats CCMD.
* Further improvements have been made to the parsing of
bossaction in MAPINFO lumps.
* A bug is fixed whereby selecting an episode in the menu
wouldn’t change the episode CVAR in some instances.
* SIGIL will now still be automatically loaded if found and
SIGIL II is manually loaded.
* Improvements have been made to recognizing the SIGIL and
SIGIL II WAD files if they have been renamed.

- Update to version 5.1.2
* Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the
* These improvements have been made to the support for John
Romero’s SIGIL II:
+ "SIGIL" can no longer be selected in the episode menu if
SIGIL isn’t loaded but SIGIL II is.
+ The Spider Mastermind’s health in E6M8: Abyss Of Despair is
now correct.
+ Thorr’s music is now louder.
* If known, the author of the current map is now displayed by
the mapstats CCMD.
* A bug is fixed whereby the corpses of monsters could remain
solid, blocking the player’s path, in some rare instances.
* Minor improvements have been made to text autocompleted in the
console by pressing the TAB key.

Dirk Stoecker's avatar

dstoecker accepted request

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