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Request 1133778 accepted

This needs ipykernel and a few new dependencies in Ring1

- Update to 3.8.2
* Bugfix release without API changes
- API Changes for 3.8.1
## Behaviour
* Default behaviour of hexbin with C provided requires at least 1
## Deprecations
* Deprecations removed in contour
- What's new in 3.8
## Type Hints
## Plotting and Annotation improvements
* Support customizing antialiasing for text and annotation
* rcParams for AutoMinorLocator divisions
* Axline setters and getters
* Clipping for contour plots
* Axes.ecdf
* Figure.get_suptitle(), Figure.get_supxlabel(),
* Ellipse.get_vertices(), Ellipse.get_co_vertices()
* Remove inner ticks in label_outer()
* Configurable legend shadows
* offset parameter for MultipleLocator
* Add a new valid color format (matplotlib_color, alpha)
* The pie chart shadow can be controlled
* PolyQuadMesh is a new class for drawing quadrilateral meshes
* Shadow shade can be controlled
* SpinesProxy now supports calling the set() method
* Allow setting the tick label fonts with a keyword argument
## Figure, Axes, and Legend Layout
* pad_inches="layout" for savefig

Markéta Machová's avatar

you didn't mention the .rpmlintrc file. Otherwise... well, it's complicated, but I trust you :) .

Benjamin Greiner's avatar

Source files don't require to be mentioned. The bot only complains about the Patch files. The rpmlintrc is IMHO sufficienctly documented in its comment.

Markéta Machová's avatar

and as I read the message, maybe @anag+factory would like to take a look? This apparently needs ipykernel and few other new dependencies in Ring1.

Benjamin Greiner's avatar

Also, I don't think this will go through Staging in a jiffy. There might be some packages which are not ready yet for the API changes. But I'd like to seem them fail in :numeric or the Staging.

Ana Guerrero's avatar

@mcalabkova if matplotlib needs new packages in ring1 we'll have to live with it. If it's a very specific feature in some cases we can have it in a special flavor but I think it's not the case here. It's pretty fine if you do a submission to factory and I stage there and see goes it goes.

BTW, I take advantage to remind that python-Pillow is staged because matplotlib so it'd be nice to address this issue too.

Benjamin Greiner's avatar

@mcalabkova, I have branched Pillow into my project and matplotlib still tests fine. So this update should fix the failures in sr#1129060

Request History
Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator created request

This needs ipykernel and a few new dependencies in Ring1

- Update to 3.8.2
* Bugfix release without API changes
- API Changes for 3.8.1
## Behaviour
* Default behaviour of hexbin with C provided requires at least 1
## Deprecations
* Deprecations removed in contour
- What's new in 3.8
## Type Hints
## Plotting and Annotation improvements
* Support customizing antialiasing for text and annotation
* rcParams for AutoMinorLocator divisions
* Axline setters and getters
* Clipping for contour plots
* Axes.ecdf
* Figure.get_suptitle(), Figure.get_supxlabel(),
* Ellipse.get_vertices(), Ellipse.get_co_vertices()
* Remove inner ticks in label_outer()
* Configurable legend shadows
* offset parameter for MultipleLocator
* Add a new valid color format (matplotlib_color, alpha)
* The pie chart shadow can be controlled
* PolyQuadMesh is a new class for drawing quadrilateral meshes
* Shadow shade can be controlled
* SpinesProxy now supports calling the set() method
* Allow setting the tick label fonts with a keyword argument
## Figure, Axes, and Legend Layout
* pad_inches="layout" for savefig

Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator added anag+factory as a reviewer

Please see Meggy's question in the comments regarding ipykernel in Ring1

Ana Guerrero's avatar

anag+factory accepted review


Ana Guerrero's avatar

anag+factory approved review


Ana Guerrero's avatar

anag+factory accepted request

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