
Request 1134291 accepted

Respin of rq 1130510


Michal Koutný's avatar
author target maintainer

@ptesarik: I'm sorry, I had had misconfigured OBS notifications, so I missed the evolution in your original request.

I've tested drgn on TW (with 15.5 vmcore) and it works as well as 0.0.24 package. (I tested your RPM and also mine (with some git cleanup) equally.)

What was the issue that made you revoke the udpate? Could we possibly have this submitted into Kernel:kdump and resolve any issues in Bugzilla? (It seems a better discussion platform than OBS comments to me.)

Petr Tesařík's avatar
reviewer target maintainer

When I tested, drgn threw a weird exception on startup (like UnicodeDecodeError or something like that), but I didn't have time to dig into it back then and I am unable to reproduce it now.

So, let's assume my environment was somehow incorrect.

Request History
Michal Koutný's avatar

mkoutny created request

Respin of rq 1130510

Michal Koutný's avatar

mkoutny added ptesarik as a reviewer

(I will write a comment to rq itself.)

Petr Tesařík's avatar

ptesarik accepted request

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