
Request 1137503 accepted

- Update to version 0.2.0
* Update imgui and implot to v1.89.8 and v0.15 respectively #56
* typo fixes #57
* Add Doxygen html directory to .gitignore #58
* Let the user create the ImGUI context to control the settings #61
- Migrate service file to use 'manual' instead of 'disabled' as
suggested by osc

Request History
Ralf Habacker's avatar

rhabacker created request

- Update to version 0.2.0
* Update imgui and implot to v1.89.8 and v0.15 respectively #56
* typo fixes #57
* Add Doxygen html directory to .gitignore #58
* Let the user create the ImGUI context to control the settings #61
- Migrate service file to use 'manual' instead of 'disabled' as
suggested by osc

Fridrich Strba's avatar

fstrba accepted request

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