
Request 1138523 superseded

- Update to 0.17.0:
- Disable js support (missing dom header)
- Enable gemini support


Muhammad Akbar Yanuar Mantari's avatar

I tried it before, but it gave me a strange feeling. if enabled with JS now. I don't know how to explain, but there is text that says 'IN_BODY' on it. Screenshots: https://0x0.st/HUR9.png

Antonio Teixeira's avatar

The problem with the "IN_BODY" text seems to be caused by an outdated mujs package, at least from my testing. I have submitted the newest version which fixes the problem. libdom is also now available in network/libdom, so you can now re-submit this without disabling js if you'd like. Or I can do it too if you prefer.

Request History
Muhammad Akbar Yanuar Mantari's avatar

mantarimay created request

- Update to 0.17.0:
- Disable js support (missing dom header)
- Enable gemini support

Antonio Teixeira's avatar

ateixeira declined request

Thanks for the submission.
I actually have a request open to submit libdom into the network project (and later to Factory): https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1138355

Would you mind waiting for that to get accepted and then resubmit this without disabling js?

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