
Request 1140834 accepted

- Disable rpmlint tests on SLE-15 where they currently fail
- This codestream wasn't affected by bsc#1207113


Matwey Kornilov's avatar
reviewer target maintainer

Hi, Simon!

Unfortunately, I have no idea what are you changes about, since I am getting "You are not authorized to access bug #1207113." in the Bugzilla. I think there is no reason to refer the ticket which nobody can read.

Simon Lees's avatar
author reviewer target maintainer

It was a regression in one of the backported CVE fixes for SLE-15-SP2/SP3, As in tumbleweed we just took the new latest version it wasn't affected by the regression.

SUSE has bots that check new submissions to ensure that when updates are submitted into SLE no changes are lost.

When I recently submitted the tumbleweed version of erlang for SLE-15-SP6 / Leap 15.6 this bug was identified as possibly missing a fix. Adding the bugzilla reference in the changelog like this means that next time we submit from tumbleweed into SLE or ALP the bots won't flag the issue.

Request History
Simon Lees's avatar

simotek created request

- Disable rpmlint tests on SLE-15 where they currently fail
- This codestream wasn't affected by bsc#1207113

Matwey Kornilov's avatar

matwey accepted request

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