
Request 1146913 superseded

- Update to 5.2.0
## New features
* Add generic Pointset and regularly spaced Grid data structures
in preparation for coordinate transformation and resampling
(#1251) (CM, reviewed by Oscar Esteban)
## Enhancements
* Add copy method to ArrayProxy (#1255) (CM, reviewed by Paul
* Permit to_xml to pass keyword arguments to tostring (#1258)
* Allow user expansion (e.g., ~/...) in strings passed to
functions that accept paths (#1260) (Reinder Vos de Wael,
reviewed by CM)
* Expand CIFTI-2 brain structures to permit synonyms (#1256) (CM,
reviewed by Mathias Goncalves)
* Annotate SpatialImage as accepting affine=None argument (#1253)
(Blake Dewey, reviewed by CM)
* Warn on invalid MINC2 spacing declarations, treat as missing
(#1237) (Peter Suter, reviewed by CM)
* Refactor find_private_section for improved readability and
maintainability (#1228) (MB, reviewed by CM)
## API changes and deprecations
* The nibabel.pydicom_compat module is deprecated and will be
removed in NiBabel 7.0. (#1280)
* The int_to_float and as_int functions are no longer needed to
work around NumPy deficiencies and have been deprecated (#1272)
(CM, reviewed by EL)
- Release 5.1
## Enhancements
* Make imagestats available with import nibabel (pr/1208) (Fabian

Request History
Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator created request

- Update to 5.2.0
## New features
* Add generic Pointset and regularly spaced Grid data structures
in preparation for coordinate transformation and resampling
(#1251) (CM, reviewed by Oscar Esteban)
## Enhancements
* Add copy method to ArrayProxy (#1255) (CM, reviewed by Paul
* Permit to_xml to pass keyword arguments to tostring (#1258)
* Allow user expansion (e.g., ~/...) in strings passed to
functions that accept paths (#1260) (Reinder Vos de Wael,
reviewed by CM)
* Expand CIFTI-2 brain structures to permit synonyms (#1256) (CM,
reviewed by Mathias Goncalves)
* Annotate SpatialImage as accepting affine=None argument (#1253)
(Blake Dewey, reviewed by CM)
* Warn on invalid MINC2 spacing declarations, treat as missing
(#1237) (Peter Suter, reviewed by CM)
* Refactor find_private_section for improved readability and
maintainability (#1228) (MB, reviewed by CM)
## API changes and deprecations
* The nibabel.pydicom_compat module is deprecated and will be
removed in NiBabel 7.0. (#1280)
* The int_to_float and as_int functions are no longer needed to
work around NumPy deficiencies and have been deprecated (#1272)
(CM, reviewed by EL)
- Release 5.1
## Enhancements
* Make imagestats available with import nibabel (pr/1208) (Fabian

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