
Request 1148342 accepted

- Update to version 0.8.8:
+ Bug Fixes:
- Prevent "Do not reset image view" being reset
+ Features:
- Allow opening of webp animations
- Use custom filebrowser instead of rfd
- Enable borderless mode and allow to toggle via settings menu
- add 3x3 Filter operator
- scale to available ui area
+ Chore:
- Update notan
- Update rfd and strum

Request History
Muhammad Akbar Yanuar Mantari's avatar

mantarimay created request

- Update to version 0.8.8:
+ Bug Fixes:
- Prevent "Do not reset image view" being reset
+ Features:
- Allow opening of webp animations
- Use custom filebrowser instead of rfd
- Enable borderless mode and allow to toggle via settings menu
- add 3x3 Filter operator
- scale to available ui area
+ Chore:
- Update notan
- Update rfd and strum

Muhammad Akbar Yanuar Mantari's avatar

mantarimay accepted request

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