
Request 1153910 accepted

- Update to version 2.1.7+20240226.bff14cd3f:
- libcrmservice: avoid async zombie children by resending ignored SIGCHLD (bsc#1216972, gh#ClusterLabs/pacemaker#3374)
- fencer: fix pcmk_delay_max description (gh#ClusterLabs/pacemaker#3373)

Request History
Yan Gao's avatar

yan_gao created request

- Update to version 2.1.7+20240226.bff14cd3f:
- libcrmservice: avoid async zombie children by resending ignored SIGCHLD (bsc#1216972, gh#ClusterLabs/pacemaker#3374)
- fencer: fix pcmk_delay_max description (gh#ClusterLabs/pacemaker#3373)

Yan Gao's avatar

yan_gao accepted request

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