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request 1154201
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Request History
iDesmI created request
hjson is a syntax extension to JSON intended to be used as a user interface to JSON.
This specifically is a JSON encoder and decoder for Python.
It is a runtime dependency for qmk_cli
mcepl declined request
I am sorry, as I don’t see the urgent need to have this in Factory, I am not taking the two-year dead project.
@StevenK, @TheBlackCat, @alarrosa, @aplanas, @dgarcia, @dirkmueller, @glaubitz, @mcalabkova, @mcepl, @mimi_vx, @ojkastl_buildservice, @posophe, @rjschwei, @sleep_walker, @tbechtold: review reminder
Seems like the project is dead upstream (the newest commit is two years old).
Moreover, I don't think it is really required: doesn't show any actual use of hjson anywhere. Seems to me like somebody forgot to remove the dependency from qmk_cli.
If you need it, maintain it somewhere with other package in other project.