
Request 1155717 revoked

- Update to version 5.3.22 (no changelog).
Changelog for 5.3.0:
* Added
* Added notion of roles for conferences, so that there can be speakers and listeners.
* Reactions with IM conversations
* New video codec policy, so that hardware-accelerated codecs are prioritized in offer/answer. See LinphoneCodecPriorityPolicyAuto .
* AV-1 codec
* New LinphoneAlert object used to report various QoS alerts during calls.
* Changed
* Enum relocations dictionnary is now automatically computed, which fixes some enum that were not
* scoped where there have to be. For example, in Swift linphonesw.ConferenceSchedulerState becomes linphonesw.ConferenceScheduler.State.
* This is an API change for C++, Swift and Java, requiring application code to be adapated.
* TLS Client certificate request authentication callback removed (due to mbedtls update).
* Application using TLS client certificate must provide it before any TLS connexion needing it.
* Refactoring of LinphoneAddress object implementation, leading to greater internal simplicity and performance.
* C to C++ internal refactoring for LinphoneEvent, LinphonePayloadType, LinphoneContent
* Fixed
* Documentation issues in C++, Swift and C# wrappers
* Memory leaks
- Drop linphone-build-jsoncpp.patch.

Request History
Lukas Müller's avatar

expeehaa created request

- Update to version 5.3.22 (no changelog).
Changelog for 5.3.0:
* Added
* Added notion of roles for conferences, so that there can be speakers and listeners.
* Reactions with IM conversations
* New video codec policy, so that hardware-accelerated codecs are prioritized in offer/answer. See LinphoneCodecPriorityPolicyAuto .
* AV-1 codec
* New LinphoneAlert object used to report various QoS alerts during calls.
* Changed
* Enum relocations dictionnary is now automatically computed, which fixes some enum that were not
* scoped where there have to be. For example, in Swift linphonesw.ConferenceSchedulerState becomes linphonesw.ConferenceScheduler.State.
* This is an API change for C++, Swift and Java, requiring application code to be adapated.
* TLS Client certificate request authentication callback removed (due to mbedtls update).
* Application using TLS client certificate must provide it before any TLS connexion needing it.
* Refactoring of LinphoneAddress object implementation, leading to greater internal simplicity and performance.
* C to C++ internal refactoring for LinphoneEvent, LinphonePayloadType, LinphoneContent
* Fixed
* Documentation issues in C++, Swift and C# wrappers
* Memory leaks
- Drop linphone-build-jsoncpp.patch.

Paolo Stivanin's avatar

polslinux declined request

fails to build

Lukas Müller's avatar

expeehaa reopened request

With "fails to build", you are referring to the Leap build failures, right? Those are caused by cmake not meeting the minimum version requirement of 3.22 from upstream. I don’t think it would be good to go against upstream with that and, unfortunately, Leap builds are the price to pay for that.

Paolo Stivanin's avatar

polslinux declined request

thanks, but I had to update all other packages to a more recent version because there were some build failures

Lukas Müller's avatar

expeehaa revoked request

The source project 'home:expeehaa:branches:network:telephony' has been removed

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