
Request 1156145 accepted

- fix build for Leap < 15.6 (no gcc13)
- Build orthanc-postgresql with gcc13 on Leap 15
- version 6.1
* Fixed handling of MaximumStorageSize & MaximumPatientCount.
- version 6.0
* DB schema revision: 2
* The DB schema has been updated to Revision 2. If you need to reinstall the previous
version of the plugin, you should run this script:
* Transaction Mode:
Introduced a new configuration "TransactionMode" to select the transaction isolation level.
Allowed values: "Serializable", "ReadCommitted".
The "Serializable" mode was the only available value up to now. It is still the default
value now.
The "ReadCommitted" is possible now due to rewrites of SQL queries and notably improves
the Orthanc ability to ingest data from multiple sources in parallel.
* New "EnableVerboseLogs" configuration to show SQL statements being executed.
- version 5.1
* Optimization of LookupResources mainly used in tools/find, C-Find and QIDO-RS.
- version 5.0
* Compatibility with Orthanc SDK 1.12.0 (communications between the
Orthanc core and the database plugin using Google Protocol Buffers)
* Upgraded dependencies for static builds (notably on Windows and LSB):
- openssl 3.1.0
* psql114.patch removed (included in source)

- Version 4.0 (no changelog)
- Version 3.3
* Added an advisory lock to avoid race conditions during database setup
* Added "MaximumConnectionRetries" & "ConnectionRetryInterval" to configure
the retries when connecting to the DB at startup
* Support of dynamic linking against the system-wide Orthanc framework library
* build aginst orthanc-framework removed
- switch to orthanc-framework (static version)
psql114.patch extended for psql 12/13 versions
- For Leap version >= 15.2, postgresql-server-devel need to be used
- Version 3.2
Initial build on OBS

Request History
Axel Braun's avatar

DocB created request

- fix build for Leap < 15.6 (no gcc13)
- Build orthanc-postgresql with gcc13 on Leap 15
- version 6.1
* Fixed handling of MaximumStorageSize & MaximumPatientCount.
- version 6.0
* DB schema revision: 2
* The DB schema has been updated to Revision 2. If you need to reinstall the previous
version of the plugin, you should run this script:
* Transaction Mode:
Introduced a new configuration "TransactionMode" to select the transaction isolation level.
Allowed values: "Serializable", "ReadCommitted".
The "Serializable" mode was the only available value up to now. It is still the default
value now.
The "ReadCommitted" is possible now due to rewrites of SQL queries and notably improves
the Orthanc ability to ingest data from multiple sources in parallel.
* New "EnableVerboseLogs" configuration to show SQL statements being executed.
- version 5.1
* Optimization of LookupResources mainly used in tools/find, C-Find and QIDO-RS.
- version 5.0
* Compatibility with Orthanc SDK 1.12.0 (communications between the
Orthanc core and the database plugin using Google Protocol Buffers)
* Upgraded dependencies for static builds (notably on Windows and LSB):
- openssl 3.1.0
* psql114.patch removed (included in source)

- Version 4.0 (no changelog)
- Version 3.3
* Added an advisory lock to avoid race conditions during database setup
* Added "MaximumConnectionRetries" & "ConnectionRetryInterval" to configure
the retries when connecting to the DB at startup
* Support of dynamic linking against the system-wide Orthanc framework library
* build aginst orthanc-framework removed
- switch to orthanc-framework (static version)
psql114.patch extended for psql 12/13 versions
- For Leap version >= 15.2, postgresql-server-devel need to be used
- Version 3.2
Initial build on OBS

Axel Braun's avatar

DocB accepted request

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