Request 1160745 accepted
- updated to 3.82
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTML-Parser/Changes
3.82 2024-03-13
- "img lowsrc" and "body background" are not in the HTMLv5 spec (GH#43)
- Replace "FileHandle" with "IO::File" (GH#42) (James Raspass)
- Fix some minor typos (GH#41) (Yoshikazu Sawa)
- Created by tinita
- In state accepted
- 4 package maintainers
Request History
tinita created request
- updated to 3.82
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTML-Parser/Changes
3.82 2024-03-13
- "img lowsrc" and "body background" are not in the HTMLv5 spec (GH#43)
- Replace "FileHandle" with "IO::File" (GH#42) (James Raspass)
- Fix some minor typos (GH#41) (Yoshikazu Sawa)
pmonrealgonzalez accepted request
@anicka, @dlovasko, @niner9, @pmonrealgonzalez: review reminder