Request 1165007 accepted
- Update to version 1.32.6
* Detect forced 64 bit offsets on a dual-mode system that used
to default to 32 bits and drop ambiguous suffix-less symbols
in that case. This avoids subtle ABI breakage (causing
memory corruption) with existing binaries and instead has
them fail during runtime linking. You trigger that when
having -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 in your compiler flags during
mpg123 build.
Request History
alois created request
- Update to version 1.32.6
* Detect forced 64 bit offsets on a dual-mode system that used
to default to 32 bits and drop ambiguous suffix-less symbols
in that case. This avoids subtle ABI breakage (causing
memory corruption) with existing binaries and instead has
them fail during runtime linking. You trigger that when
having -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 in your compiler flags during
mpg123 build.
alois accepted request