
Request 1168352 accepted

Do not delete prev_env on transactional minions at runtime

Victor Zhestkov's avatar

Maybe we need to skip this workaround for T-U case completely? I mean not just cleanup, but also in %pre section.

Marek Czernek's avatar
author source maintainer

We still need the workaround for T-U because when we update the RPM in a transaction, without the workaround, I have verified that the update fails.

I think that when we finish updating the RPM, Salt cannot report the result of the action (python3.10 dir is deleted) -> the action fails -> the whole execution reports 0 changes, 0 faults. I think Salt doesn't hand over the parameters properly somewhere on the way.

Victor Zhestkov's avatar

Oh, correct, I missed it again, always get confused with this parallel execution

Request History
Marek Czernek's avatar

mczernek created request

Do not delete prev_env on transactional minions at runtime

Victor Zhestkov's avatar

vizhestkov accepted request

Accepting :+1:

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