
Request 1169584 superseded

- update to 1.4.1
+ Enhancements
* Allow rendering raw `IPython.display` output in dashboard builder
* Improve snapping behavior and add undo functionality in dashboard builder UI)
+ Bug Fixes
* Fix layout persistence issues in dashboard builder
* Ensure `Perspective` loads in notebooks and docs
* Allow full reset of dashboard builder layout
* Fix issues with `VTK` colormap serialization
* Allow `Tabulator` `HTMLTemplateFormatter` to reference multiple columns
* Fix loading spinner in converted app without template
* Avoid unnecessary rescroll on Column
* Fix dynamically updating description tooltips
* Ensure Perspective is fully loaded before attempting render)
* Ensure busy indicators are always reset
- update to 1.4.0
+ Features
* Add `EditableTemplate` to support dashboard builder UI in Jupyter
* Add `ChatAreaInput` as default text input widget for `ChatInterface`
* Add `NestedSelect` widget
* Add Panel tutorials
* Add `DateRangePicker` widget
* Add `Feed` layout and use it as layout for `ChatFeed`
* Add `WebP` pane
* Add `ButtonIcon`
* Add `Textual` pane
+ Enhancements
* Improve `--autoreload` by using watchfiles and selectively reloading packages
* Load loading indicator from file instead of inlining
* Allow providing additional stylesheets in `card_params`
* Add `scroll` options to permanently toggle on layouts
* Allow choosing position of frozen columns on `Tabulator`
* Add help message on `ChatFeed`
* Ensure CSS can be applied to every aspect of `ChatMessage`
* Add HoloViz logos as `ChatMessage` avatars
* Add `gap` parameter to `FlexBox`
* Set default `step` of `DatetimeRangeSlider` to 1 minute
* Add support for passing objects reference to `FlexBox`
* Allow editable sliders to be embedded
* Add `message` into `css_classes` to `ChatMessage` markup
* Allow appending objects to the `ChatMessage` header & footer
* Add ability to declare icon label
* Add title and settings and fix datetime to `Perspective`
* Warn user if loading extension in VSCode or Colab without `jupyter_bokeh`
* Throttle updates to Boolean indicators
* Add `ParamRef` baseclass for `ParamFunction` and `ParamMethod`
* Add ability to Skip `Param` updates
* Add `Param` and `ReactiveExpr` to panes module
* Set up `param.rx` display accessor on import
* Allow using Carto tiles in `DeckGL`
* Improve `VTKJS` binary serialization
* Ensure component CSS is pre-loaded if possible, avoiding flicker on load
+ Bug fixes
* Add resize handler for `FloatPanel`
* Fix serving of global template in notebook
* Ensure `Tabulator` renders in collapsed `Card`
* Fix issues with `VTK`, `VTKVolume` and `VTKJS` due to webgpu renderer
* Ensure `HTML` and other markup panes can be emptied
* Ensure collapsed `Card` does not cause stretching
* Ensure notebook preview always uses server resources
* Remove animation from loading spinner without spin
* Ensure model is only added/removed from Document once
* Ensure `loading_indicator` resets when configured with context manager
* Fix modal overflow and resizing issues
* Ensure that ripple matches notification size
* Fully re-render `CodeEditor` on render calls ensuring it displays correctly
* Ensure `FileDownload` button has correct height
* Ensure `HTML` model is redrawn if `stylesheets` is emptied
* Allow providing custom template
* Ensure `Debugger` renders without error
* Ensure pending writes are dispatched in order and only from correct thread
* Ensure layout reuses model if available
* Improved exception handler in unlocked message dispatch
* Fix display of interactive `Matplotlib`
* Ensure `Plotly` pane renders and hides correctly in `Card`
* Fix issues rendering widget components with `Fast` design
* Fix binary serialization from JS -> Pyodide
* Avoid overeager garbage collection
* Fix floating point error in `IntRangeSlider`
* Load JS modules from relative path
* Ensure no events are dispatched before the websocket is open
* Ensure `Markdown` parsing does not choke on partial links
* Fixes to ensure larger `PDF`s can be rendered
* Ensure `IPywidget` comms are only opened once
* Fixes for message handling in Jupyter Preview context
* Fix unnecessary loading of `ReactiveHTML` resources
* Ensure `Template.raw_css` has higher precedence than default template CSS
* Avoid asyncio event loop startup issues in some contexts
* Ensure column subset is retained on `Tabulator.style`
* Ensure bokeh mathjax bundle when mathjax extension is loaded in notebook
- Switch to wheel due to missing files in archive
- Do not run tests in separate job
- Update dependencies


Markéta Machová's avatar

@bnavigator the same here. Could you please help me?

Atri Bhattacharya's avatar

Thanks for the sr, but what is missing? https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:badshah400:branches:devel:languages:python:numeric/python-panel seems to build and test ok.

Todd R's avatar
author target maintainer

If you look at that merge request the build was looping over a file that no longer exists. That had to be changed. (it is not looping over a single file which is another issue)

Using the wheel is going to be simpler and more robust going forward. No need to manually edit specific files to avoid npm trying to rebuild. This approach was able to completely drop that big chunk of workarounds, workarounds that need to be repeatedly modified to deal with non-user-facing changes in the code.

Atri Bhattacharya's avatar

As long as it is not too convoluted to build from source, I think we should prefer that over the use of pre-built wheels. The latter should be a last resort, only if we desperately need a package that simply too difficult to build from source. Frankly, I would actually consider dropping a package if build-from-source becomes nearly impossible.

This is just my opinion. I will accept it, without welcoming it, if prj maintainers decide to okay packages using pre-built wheels in cases like these.

Still, it was, in this case, rather straightforward to get the package building from source in my branch project, as I mentioned previously.

Benjamin Greiner's avatar

Agreed, although in this case we are using prebundled javascript files in both cases. Whether form the pure wheel or from the sdist is a matter of taste.

Todd R's avatar
author target maintainer

Generally that makes sense. But for jupyter-related packages that need to work with npm or yarn during proper builds, wheels are generally more efficient A big chunk of the jupyter-related packages are built from wheels for this reason.

Your branch was already using the same pre-built javascript extension that the wheel uses, so it isn't like it was doing a rebuild from source to begin with. And there isn't any compiled C code. So the wheel is basically the same thing with some unnecessary stuff cut out.

Benjamin Greiner's avatar

Why disable the multibuild? Best to avoid dependency cycles wherever possible

Atri Bhattacharya's avatar

Having the test in a separate flavour ensures a rebuild of any pkgs from the long list of dependencies used only for testing do not cause the python-panel package build itself (and panel dependencies) to be stalled waiting for them. I think we should continue to maintain the multibuild flavour here for this reason.

Request History
Todd R's avatar

TheBlackCat created request

- update to 1.4.1
+ Enhancements
* Allow rendering raw `IPython.display` output in dashboard builder
* Improve snapping behavior and add undo functionality in dashboard builder UI)
+ Bug Fixes
* Fix layout persistence issues in dashboard builder
* Ensure `Perspective` loads in notebooks and docs
* Allow full reset of dashboard builder layout
* Fix issues with `VTK` colormap serialization
* Allow `Tabulator` `HTMLTemplateFormatter` to reference multiple columns
* Fix loading spinner in converted app without template
* Avoid unnecessary rescroll on Column
* Fix dynamically updating description tooltips
* Ensure Perspective is fully loaded before attempting render)
* Ensure busy indicators are always reset
- update to 1.4.0
+ Features
* Add `EditableTemplate` to support dashboard builder UI in Jupyter
* Add `ChatAreaInput` as default text input widget for `ChatInterface`
* Add `NestedSelect` widget
* Add Panel tutorials
* Add `DateRangePicker` widget
* Add `Feed` layout and use it as layout for `ChatFeed`
* Add `WebP` pane
* Add `ButtonIcon`
* Add `Textual` pane
+ Enhancements
* Improve `--autoreload` by using watchfiles and selectively reloading packages
* Load loading indicator from file instead of inlining
* Allow providing additional stylesheets in `card_params`
* Add `scroll` options to permanently toggle on layouts
* Allow choosing position of frozen columns on `Tabulator`
* Add help message on `ChatFeed`
* Ensure CSS can be applied to every aspect of `ChatMessage`
* Add HoloViz logos as `ChatMessage` avatars
* Add `gap` parameter to `FlexBox`
* Set default `step` of `DatetimeRangeSlider` to 1 minute
* Add support for passing objects reference to `FlexBox`
* Allow editable sliders to be embedded
* Add `message` into `css_classes` to `ChatMessage` markup
* Allow appending objects to the `ChatMessage` header & footer
* Add ability to declare icon label
* Add title and settings and fix datetime to `Perspective`
* Warn user if loading extension in VSCode or Colab without `jupyter_bokeh`
* Throttle updates to Boolean indicators
* Add `ParamRef` baseclass for `ParamFunction` and `ParamMethod`
* Add ability to Skip `Param` updates
* Add `Param` and `ReactiveExpr` to panes module
* Set up `param.rx` display accessor on import
* Allow using Carto tiles in `DeckGL`
* Improve `VTKJS` binary serialization
* Ensure component CSS is pre-loaded if possible, avoiding flicker on load
+ Bug fixes
* Add resize handler for `FloatPanel`
* Fix serving of global template in notebook
* Ensure `Tabulator` renders in collapsed `Card`
* Fix issues with `VTK`, `VTKVolume` and `VTKJS` due to webgpu renderer
* Ensure `HTML` and other markup panes can be emptied
* Ensure collapsed `Card` does not cause stretching
* Ensure notebook preview always uses server resources
* Remove animation from loading spinner without spin
* Ensure model is only added/removed from Document once
* Ensure `loading_indicator` resets when configured with context manager
* Fix modal overflow and resizing issues
* Ensure that ripple matches notification size
* Fully re-render `CodeEditor` on render calls ensuring it displays correctly
* Ensure `FileDownload` button has correct height
* Ensure `HTML` model is redrawn if `stylesheets` is emptied
* Allow providing custom template
* Ensure `Debugger` renders without error
* Ensure pending writes are dispatched in order and only from correct thread
* Ensure layout reuses model if available
* Improved exception handler in unlocked message dispatch
* Fix display of interactive `Matplotlib`
* Ensure `Plotly` pane renders and hides correctly in `Card`
* Fix issues rendering widget components with `Fast` design
* Fix binary serialization from JS -> Pyodide
* Avoid overeager garbage collection
* Fix floating point error in `IntRangeSlider`
* Load JS modules from relative path
* Ensure no events are dispatched before the websocket is open
* Ensure `Markdown` parsing does not choke on partial links
* Fixes to ensure larger `PDF`s can be rendered
* Ensure `IPywidget` comms are only opened once
* Fixes for message handling in Jupyter Preview context
* Fix unnecessary loading of `ReactiveHTML` resources
* Ensure `Template.raw_css` has higher precedence than default template CSS
* Avoid asyncio event loop startup issues in some contexts
* Ensure column subset is retained on `Tabulator.style`
* Ensure bokeh mathjax bundle when mathjax extension is loaded in notebook
- Switch to wheel due to missing files in archive
- Do not run tests in separate job
- Update dependencies

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