Request 1170084 accepted
- Update to version 1.10.2:
* JuliaSyntax.jl is now used as the default parser, providing better diagnostics and faster
parsing. Set environment variable `JULIA_USE_FLISP_PARSER` to `1` to switch back to the old
parser if necessary (and if you find this necessary, please file an issue).
* `⥺` (U+297A, `\leftarrowsubset`) and `⥷` (U+2977, `\leftarrowless`) may now be used as
binary operators with arrow precedence.
* When a task forks a child, the parent task's task-local RNG (random number
generator) is no longer affected. The seeding of child based on the parent
task also takes a more disciplined approach to collision resistance, using
a design based on the SplitMix and DotMix splittable RNG schemes.
* A new more-specific rule for methods resolves ambiguities containing Union{} in favor of
the method defined explicitly to handle the Union{} argument. This makes it possible to
define methods to explicitly handle Union{} without the ambiguities that commonly would
result previously. This also lets the runtime optimize certain method lookups in a way
that significantly improves load and inference times for heavily overloaded methods that
dispatch on Types (such as traits and constructors).
* The "h bar" `ℏ` (`\hslash` U+210F) character is now treated as equivalent to `ħ` (`\hbar` U+0127).
* The `@simd` macro now has more limited and clearer semantics: it only enables reordering and contraction
of floating-point operations, instead of turning on all "fastmath" optimizations.
If you observe performance regressions due to this change, you can
recover previous behavior with `@fastmath @simd`, if you are OK with
all the optimizations enabled by the `@fastmath` macro.
* When a method with keyword arguments is displayed in the stack trace view, the textual
representation of the keyword arguments' type is simplified using the new
`@Kwargs{key1::Type1, ...}` macro syntax.
* The mark phase of the garbage collector is now multi-threaded.
* [JITLink](https://llvm.org/docs/JITLink.html) is enabled by default on
Linux aarch64 when Julia is linked to LLVM 15 or later versions.
This should resolve many segmentation faults previously observed on this
* The precompilation process now uses pidfile locks and orchestrates
multiple julia processes to only have one process
spend effort precompiling while the others wait. Previously all would
do the work and race to overwrite the cache files.
* New option `--gcthreads` to set how many threads will be used by the
garbage collector.
The default is `N/2` where `N` is the number of worker threads
(`--threads`) used by Julia.
* SparseArrays and SuiteSparse are no longer included in the default system
image, so the core language no longer contains GPL libraries. However,
these libraries are still included alongside the language in the standard
binary distribution.
* `tanpi` is now defined. It computes tan(π*x) more accurately than
* `fourthroot(x)` is now defined in `Base.Math` and can be used to compute
the fourth root of `x`. It can also be accessed using the unicode
character `∜`, which can be typed by `\fourthroot`.
* `Libc.memmove`, `Libc.memset`, and `Libc.memcpy` are now defined, whose
functionality matches that of their respective C calls.
* `Base.isprecompiled(pkg::PkgId)` has been added, to identify whether a
package has already been precompiled.
* `binomial(x, k)` now supports non-integer `x`.
* A `CartesianIndex` is now treated as a "scalar" for broadcasting.
* `printstyled` now supports italic output.
* `parent` and `parentindices` support `SubString`s.
* `replace(string, pattern...)` now supports an optional `IO` argument to
write the output to a stream rather than returning a string.
* `startswith` now supports seekable `IO` streams.
* The `initialized=true` keyword assignment for `sortperm!` and
`partialsortperm!` is now a no-op. It previously exposed unsafe behavior.
* Printing integral `Rational`s will skip the denominator in `Rational`-typed
IO context (e.g. in arrays).
* `Pkg.precompile` now accepts `timing` as a keyword argument
which displays per package timing information for precompilation
(e.g. `Pkg.precompile(timing=true)`).
* `AbstractQ` no longer subtypes `AbstractMatrix`. Moreover,
`adjoint(Q::AbstractQ)` no longer wraps `Q` in an `Adjoint` type,
but instead in an `AdjointQ`, that itself subtypes `AbstractQ`. This
change accounts for the fact that typically `AbstractQ` instances
behave like function-based, matrix-backed linear operators, and
hence don't allow for efficient indexing. Also, many `AbstractQ`
types can act on vectors/matrices of different size, acting like a
matrix with context-dependent size. With this change, `AbstractQ`
has a well-defined API that is described in detail in the [Julia
* Adjoints and transposes of `Factorization` objects are no longer wrapped
in `Adjoint` and `Transpose` wrappers, respectively. Instead, they are
wrapped in `AdjointFactorization` and `TranposeFactorization` types,
which themselves subtype `Factorization`.
* New functions `hermitianpart` and `hermitianpart!` for extracting the
Hermitian (real symmetric) part of a matrix.
* The `norm` of the adjoint or transpose of an `AbstractMatrix` now returns
the norm of the parent matrix by default, matching the current behaviour
for `AbstractVector`s.
* `eigen(A, B)` and `eigvals(A, B)`, where one of `A` or `B` is symmetric
or Hermitian, are now fully supported.
* `eigvals/eigen(A, cholesky(B))` now computes the generalized eigenvalues
(`eigen`: and eigenvectors) of `A` and `B` via Cholesky decomposition
for positive definite `B`. Note: The second argument is the output of
* Format specifiers now support dynamic width and precision, e.g. `%*s`
and `%*.*g`.
* When stack traces are printed, the printed depth of types in function
signatures will be limited
to avoid overly verbose output.
* The `@test_broken` macro (or `@test` with `broken=true`) now complains
if the test expression returns a non-boolean value in the same way as
a non-broken test.
* When a call to `@test` fails or errors inside a function, a larger
stacktrace is now printed such that the location of the test within a
`@testset` can be retrieved.
* `code_native` and `@code_native` now default to intel syntax instead
of AT&T.
* `@time_imports` now shows the timing of any module `__init__()`s that
are run.
* The `@pure` macro is now deprecated. Use `Base.@assume_effects :foldable` instead ([#48682]).
- Set Cmake version requirement to be at least 3.22
- Accommodate renaming dependencies in specfile.
- Disable jldownload by just running true
- Add fix-dependencies-checksums.patch
* Fix checksum checks for suitesparse aarch64. Sources are fetched from the same source.
* Fix checksum checks for libLLVM_jll
* It's checking for the checksums and it is also trying to fetch them from the internet
and idk what's the point of having the full julia tarball.
- Fix build
* use bundled suitesparse. comment out system suitesparse build requirement
* comment out openblas development dependencies. use bundled openblas.
* comment out lapack development dependencies. use bundled lapack.
* move openblas build away from the actual make build.
this ensures that it's installed properly because doing otherwise will
skip the install of the dependencies. weird but it works.
- Update specfile for bundled LLVM
- Add missing build requirements for bundled llvm 15
- Fix aarch64 build. it needs to download a source that can just be copied which is
- Created by uncomfyhalomacro
- In state accepted
- Package maintainers: Ronis_BR and uncomfyhalomacro
Request History
uncomfyhalomacro created request
- Update to version 1.10.2:
* JuliaSyntax.jl is now used as the default parser, providing better diagnostics and faster
parsing. Set environment variable `JULIA_USE_FLISP_PARSER` to `1` to switch back to the old
parser if necessary (and if you find this necessary, please file an issue).
* `⥺` (U+297A, `\leftarrowsubset`) and `⥷` (U+2977, `\leftarrowless`) may now be used as
binary operators with arrow precedence.
* When a task forks a child, the parent task's task-local RNG (random number
generator) is no longer affected. The seeding of child based on the parent
task also takes a more disciplined approach to collision resistance, using
a design based on the SplitMix and DotMix splittable RNG schemes.
* A new more-specific rule for methods resolves ambiguities containing Union{} in favor of
the method defined explicitly to handle the Union{} argument. This makes it possible to
define methods to explicitly handle Union{} without the ambiguities that commonly would
result previously. This also lets the runtime optimize certain method lookups in a way
that significantly improves load and inference times for heavily overloaded methods that
dispatch on Types (such as traits and constructors).
* The "h bar" `ℏ` (`\hslash` U+210F) character is now treated as equivalent to `ħ` (`\hbar` U+0127).
* The `@simd` macro now has more limited and clearer semantics: it only enables reordering and contraction
of floating-point operations, instead of turning on all "fastmath" optimizations.
If you observe performance regressions due to this change, you can
recover previous behavior with `@fastmath @simd`, if you are OK with
all the optimizations enabled by the `@fastmath` macro.
* When a method with keyword arguments is displayed in the stack trace view, the textual
representation of the keyword arguments' type is simplified using the new
`@Kwargs{key1::Type1, ...}` macro syntax.
* The mark phase of the garbage collector is now multi-threaded.
* [JITLink](https://llvm.org/docs/JITLink.html) is enabled by default on
Linux aarch64 when Julia is linked to LLVM 15 or later versions.
This should resolve many segmentation faults previously observed on this
* The precompilation process now uses pidfile locks and orchestrates
multiple julia processes to only have one process
spend effort precompiling while the others wait. Previously all would
do the work and race to overwrite the cache files.
* New option `--gcthreads` to set how many threads will be used by the
garbage collector.
The default is `N/2` where `N` is the number of worker threads
(`--threads`) used by Julia.
* SparseArrays and SuiteSparse are no longer included in the default system
image, so the core language no longer contains GPL libraries. However,
these libraries are still included alongside the language in the standard
binary distribution.
* `tanpi` is now defined. It computes tan(π*x) more accurately than
* `fourthroot(x)` is now defined in `Base.Math` and can be used to compute
the fourth root of `x`. It can also be accessed using the unicode
character `∜`, which can be typed by `\fourthroot`.
* `Libc.memmove`, `Libc.memset`, and `Libc.memcpy` are now defined, whose
functionality matches that of their respective C calls.
* `Base.isprecompiled(pkg::PkgId)` has been added, to identify whether a
package has already been precompiled.
* `binomial(x, k)` now supports non-integer `x`.
* A `CartesianIndex` is now treated as a "scalar" for broadcasting.
* `printstyled` now supports italic output.
* `parent` and `parentindices` support `SubString`s.
* `replace(string, pattern...)` now supports an optional `IO` argument to
write the output to a stream rather than returning a string.
* `startswith` now supports seekable `IO` streams.
* The `initialized=true` keyword assignment for `sortperm!` and
`partialsortperm!` is now a no-op. It previously exposed unsafe behavior.
* Printing integral `Rational`s will skip the denominator in `Rational`-typed
IO context (e.g. in arrays).
* `Pkg.precompile` now accepts `timing` as a keyword argument
which displays per package timing information for precompilation
(e.g. `Pkg.precompile(timing=true)`).
* `AbstractQ` no longer subtypes `AbstractMatrix`. Moreover,
`adjoint(Q::AbstractQ)` no longer wraps `Q` in an `Adjoint` type,
but instead in an `AdjointQ`, that itself subtypes `AbstractQ`. This
change accounts for the fact that typically `AbstractQ` instances
behave like function-based, matrix-backed linear operators, and
hence don't allow for efficient indexing. Also, many `AbstractQ`
types can act on vectors/matrices of different size, acting like a
matrix with context-dependent size. With this change, `AbstractQ`
has a well-defined API that is described in detail in the [Julia
* Adjoints and transposes of `Factorization` objects are no longer wrapped
in `Adjoint` and `Transpose` wrappers, respectively. Instead, they are
wrapped in `AdjointFactorization` and `TranposeFactorization` types,
which themselves subtype `Factorization`.
* New functions `hermitianpart` and `hermitianpart!` for extracting the
Hermitian (real symmetric) part of a matrix.
* The `norm` of the adjoint or transpose of an `AbstractMatrix` now returns
the norm of the parent matrix by default, matching the current behaviour
for `AbstractVector`s.
* `eigen(A, B)` and `eigvals(A, B)`, where one of `A` or `B` is symmetric
or Hermitian, are now fully supported.
* `eigvals/eigen(A, cholesky(B))` now computes the generalized eigenvalues
(`eigen`: and eigenvectors) of `A` and `B` via Cholesky decomposition
for positive definite `B`. Note: The second argument is the output of
* Format specifiers now support dynamic width and precision, e.g. `%*s`
and `%*.*g`.
* When stack traces are printed, the printed depth of types in function
signatures will be limited
to avoid overly verbose output.
* The `@test_broken` macro (or `@test` with `broken=true`) now complains
if the test expression returns a non-boolean value in the same way as
a non-broken test.
* When a call to `@test` fails or errors inside a function, a larger
stacktrace is now printed such that the location of the test within a
`@testset` can be retrieved.
* `code_native` and `@code_native` now default to intel syntax instead
of AT&T.
* `@time_imports` now shows the timing of any module `__init__()`s that
are run.
* The `@pure` macro is now deprecated. Use `Base.@assume_effects :foldable` instead ([#48682]).
- Set Cmake version requirement to be at least 3.22
- Accommodate renaming dependencies in specfile.
- Disable jldownload by just running true
- Add fix-dependencies-checksums.patch
* Fix checksum checks for suitesparse aarch64. Sources are fetched from the same source.
* Fix checksum checks for libLLVM_jll
* It's checking for the checksums and it is also trying to fetch them from the internet
and idk what's the point of having the full julia tarball.
- Fix build
* use bundled suitesparse. comment out system suitesparse build requirement
* comment out openblas development dependencies. use bundled openblas.
* comment out lapack development dependencies. use bundled lapack.
* move openblas build away from the actual make build.
this ensures that it's installed properly because doing otherwise will
skip the install of the dependencies. weird but it works.
- Update specfile for bundled LLVM
- Add missing build requirements for bundled llvm 15
- Fix aarch64 build. it needs to download a source that can just be copied which is
uncomfyhalomacro accepted request