
Request 1172023 accepted

- Update to version 2024.7:
+ Added:
- Allow configuration of internal messages in buffer
- User information added to context menu
- Support for IRCv3 CAP NEW and CAP DEL subcommands
- Enable support for IRCv3 multi-prefix, message-tags, WHOX,
- Dynamic commands and tooltips added to command
auto-completion via ISUPPORT
- Added support for socks5 proxy configuration
- Added support for http proxy configuration
+ Changed:
- Simplified onboarding experience for users without a
config.toml file
- Context menus can be dismissed by pressing Escape
- Join channels that report themselves as requiring
registration after logging in
+ Fixed:
- No longer automatically reconnects to a server after using
the /QUIT command.
- Fix infinite loop in rustls: bump version from 0.23.4
to 0.23.5 (bsc#1223220)

Request History
Muhammad Akbar Yanuar Mantari's avatar

mantarimay created request

- Update to version 2024.7:
+ Added:
- Allow configuration of internal messages in buffer
- User information added to context menu
- Support for IRCv3 CAP NEW and CAP DEL subcommands
- Enable support for IRCv3 multi-prefix, message-tags, WHOX,
- Dynamic commands and tooltips added to command
auto-completion via ISUPPORT
- Added support for socks5 proxy configuration
- Added support for http proxy configuration
+ Changed:
- Simplified onboarding experience for users without a
config.toml file
- Context menus can be dismissed by pressing Escape
- Join channels that report themselves as requiring
registration after logging in
+ Fixed:
- No longer automatically reconnects to a server after using
the /QUIT command.
- Fix infinite loop in rustls: bump version from 0.23.4
to 0.23.5 (bsc#1223220)

Muhammad Akbar Yanuar Mantari's avatar

mantarimay accepted request

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