
Request 1173714 superseded

Update to version 2.3.0


Johannes Kastl's avatar

Thanks Robert, you were quicker than me. :-)

I was wondering whether we should trim the changelog. It looks like a real mess.

Maybe we should use this one? https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2/releases/tag/v2.3.0 => "CLI changelog"

Robert Munteanu's avatar

Good point! How does this look? https://build.opensuse.org/projects/home:robert_munteanu:branches:devel:kubic/packages/flux2-cli/files/flux2-cli.changes?expand=1

Johannes Kastl's avatar

Almost perfect! Could you please wrap the lines as usual then I would say it is fine.

(I have set my vim to wrap at 67 characters, got this from some openSUSE wiki page)

Robert Munteanu's avatar

I think I managed to do it :-) See new SR.

Request History
Robert Munteanu's avatar

robert_munteanu created request

Update to version 2.3.0

Robert Munteanu's avatar

robert_munteanu superseded request

superseded by 1173985

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