
Request 1174190 accepted

- Update upstream project url in spec


Sai Karthik Karra's avatar

@jubalh strange, I have updated the changes file, But not reflected in SR :/

❯ cat *.changes | head -10
Wed May 15 09:29:03 UTC 2024 - Sai Karthik Karra <kskarthik@disroot.org>

- Update upstream project url in spec

Tue Sep 19 21:15:59 UTC 2023 - Lubos Kocman <lubos.kocman@suse.com>

- Correction of license based on legaldb review
Request History
Sai Karthik Karra's avatar

kskarthik created request

- Update upstream project url in spec

Michael Vetter's avatar

jubalh accepted request


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