
Request 1177636 accepted

- Enable build on riscv64


Jean Delvare's avatar

Which systems need this? Do we have such systems in house?

Andreas Schwab's avatar

Isn't this just part of ACPI?

Jean Delvare's avatar

No, it isn't. SMBIOS and ACPI are separate specifications. It is possible to reference certain SMBIOS structures from ACPI tables but this isn't mandatory. Systems can implement ACPI without SMBIOS, or SMBIOS without ACPI.

Andreas Schwab's avatar

There is support for RV32/RV64/RV128 in the SMBIOS spec.

Jean Delvare's avatar

Indeed. There are also many supported CPUs which I still have to see any real hardware use. Hobbit CPU anyone? :-D Don't get me wrong, I have no problem to let dmidecode build on riscv64 if it's useful there. But it would be nice to document which hardware we are enabling it for. I find it odd that you are submitting this request but don't see to have any incentive for doing so.

Andreas Schwab's avatar

dmidecode is required by four packages: calamares hw-probe rasdaemon storage-fixup

Jean Delvare's avatar

This isn't a valid reason to enable dmidecode on a new architecture. If SMBIOS is implemented on some riscv64 systems, then of course we can and should enable this architecture. However if this is not the case then the proper fix is to make the dependency depend on the architecture. rasdaemon is already doing that for s390x for example.

Andreas Schwab's avatar

It means that the packages are not installable.

Jean Delvare's avatar

I looked in the kernel, and there the DMI option is only defined on the arm, arm64, loongarch, mips and x86 architectures. This is in line with the current ExclusiveArch directive in the dmidecode package. I assume that the option would be defined for riscv if SMBIOS was implemented on these systems.

I'm not going to let dmidecode build on riscv64 only to satisfy dependencies, as it will not be usable on such systems. As I said before, the proper way to make the other packages installable is to fix the dependency on their side, using %ifnarch directives.

Andreas Schwab's avatar

dmidecode also works on plain files cross-platform, so it is not entirely unusable.

Jean Delvare's avatar

True, but this is essentially a development / debugging feature. It's not useful on production systems.

Jean Delvare's avatar

Note: it may also be possible to replace hard dependencies with weak dependencies (Recommends:, Supplements:).

Request History
Andreas Schwab's avatar

Andreas_Schwab created request

- Enable build on riscv64

Jean Delvare's avatar

jdelvare accepted request


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