
Request 1178660 accepted

- Update to 24.09
* For tag matches using <> in which all matches are negative,
the absence of that tag from a game will result in the game being retained.
* Bug fix for relational operators matching numeric tags.
Comparisons are now 'anded' rather than 'ored'.
* Bug fix affecting material matches for games with a FEN tag in which Black is to move.
* Added options --commented , --insufficient, --suppressmatched and -n stdout
* <> relational operator now available for non-numeric tag values.
* EloDiff pseudo-tag added for matching differences in Elo rating between opponents
* Detect wrong to-move status in FEN string when the other side is in check.

Request History
Andrea Manzini's avatar

amanzini created request

- Update to 24.09
* For tag matches using <> in which all matches are negative,
the absence of that tag from a game will result in the game being retained.
* Bug fix for relational operators matching numeric tags.
Comparisons are now 'anded' rather than 'ored'.
* Bug fix affecting material matches for games with a FEN tag in which Black is to move.
* Added options --commented , --insufficient, --suppressmatched and -n stdout
* <> relational operator now available for non-numeric tag values.
* EloDiff pseudo-tag added for matching differences in Elo rating between opponents
* Detect wrong to-move status in FEN string when the other side is in check.

Andrea Manzini's avatar

amanzini accepted request

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