
Request 1178875 revoked

i wish to maintain it

Request History
Sai Karthik Karra's avatar

kskarthik created request

i wish to maintain it

Jeff Kowalczyk's avatar

jfkw declined request

Thanks for the package submission, Sai. typioca is neat, I spent some time testing it. Please consider yourself a maintainer of this package and continue to submit version updates.

The package has been submitted to Factory. Once accepted, future updates will be forwarded to Factory as part of the normal request workflow.

I am declining the request for the OBS role package maintainer, only for this reason: I want to have an opportunity to review submissions to devel:languages:go, particularly those with a link to Factory. Maintainer SR workflows do not block on reviewers. The review step helps me normalize and QA the details of Go application packages, and spot emerging Go packaging needs developers are currently working around. Routine package version updates will be reviewed and accepted in a timely manner, often the same day.

Sai Karthik Karra's avatar

kskarthik revoked request

@jfkw thank your the detailed explanation. revoking this request.

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