
Request 1179134 accepted

- Update to version 20230311
- Fix compiling with gcc13
* Add package wine-binfmt-standalone as build requirement
* Add texlive-20230311-gcc13-compile-fix.patch
- Removed obsolete patches
* texlive-20210325-mingw-9-compile-fix.patch
* texlive-20210325-mingw-10-compile-fix.patch

Request History
Ralf Habacker's avatar

rhabacker created request

- Update to version 20230311
- Fix compiling with gcc13
* Add package wine-binfmt-standalone as build requirement
* Add texlive-20230311-gcc13-compile-fix.patch
- Removed obsolete patches
* texlive-20210325-mingw-9-compile-fix.patch
* texlive-20210325-mingw-10-compile-fix.patch

Ralf Habacker's avatar

rhabacker accepted request

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