
Request 1179595 accepted

- update to 1.44.1
* many changes since April 4, see GitHub releases for info
- add deno-rm-upgrade.patch (merged 2 patches)
- remove deno-disable-update-check.patch
- remove deno-rm-upgrade-cmd.patch
- update to 1.42.1:
* fix(check): ignore certain diagnostics in remote modules and
when publishing (#23119)
* fix(ext/node): support stdin: "inherit" in node:child_process (#23110)
* fix(ext/node): use tty stdin from ext/io (#23044)
* fix(jsr): exclude yanked versions from 'deno add' and completions (#23113)
* fix(lsp): don't apply preload limit to workspace walk (#23123)
* fix(lsp): implement missing ts server host apis (#23131)
* fix(node): handle empty 'main' entry in pkg json (#23155)
* fix(node): remove unwrap in op_require_node_module_paths (#23114)
* fix: deno_graph 0.69.10 (#23147)
- update to 1.42.0:
* feat(add): always produce multiline config file (#23077)
* feat(ext/node): add riscv64 in process.arch (#23016)
* feat(init): use jsr specifier for @std/assert (#23073)
* feat(install): require -g / --global flag (#23060)
* feat(lint): deno lint --fix and lsp quick fixes (#22615)
* feat(lint): automatically opt-in packages to jsr lint tag (#23072)
* feat(node): load ES modules defined as CJS (#22945)
* feat(publish): check for uncommitted files in
deno publish --dry-run (#22981)
* feat(task): Task description in the form of comments (#23101)
* feat(task): cross-platform shebang support (#23091)
* feat(unstable/publish): error when a package's module is excluded from
publishing (#22948)
* feat: TypeScript 5.4 (#23086)
* feat: add --watch-exclude flag (#21935)
* feat: deno_task_shell 0.15 (#23019)
* feat: remove deprecated methods from namespace with DENO_FUTURE=1 (#23075)
* feat: type declarations for new Set methods (#23090)
* fix(bench): Fix group header printing logic + don't filter
out the warmup benchmark (#23083)
* fix(check): do not suggest running with --unstable (#23092)
* fix(cli): output more detailed information for steps when
using JUnit reporter (#22797)
* fix(cli): sanitizer should ignore count of ops started before
tests begin (#22932)
* fix(coverage): Error if no files are included in the report (#22952)
* fix(ext/fetch): do not truncate field value in EventSource (#22368)
* fix(ext/fetch): make EventSource more robust (#22493)
* fix(ext/node): ECDH.publicKey() point encoding (#23013)
* fix(ext/node): FsWatcher ref and unref (#22987)
* fix(ext/node): Reimplement StringDecoder to match node's behavior (#22933)
* fix(ext/node): add crypto.getRandomValues (#23028)
* fix(ext/node): add crypto.subtle (#23027)
* fix(ext/node): add process.setSourceMapsEnabled noop (#22993)
* fix(ext/node): handle KeyObject in prepareAsymmetricKey (#23026)
* fix(ext/node): handle null in stdio array (#23048)
* fix(ext/node): implement EventEmitterAsyncResource (#22994)
* fix(ext/node): implement v8 serialize and deserialize (#22975)
* fix(ext/node): panic in op_node_ecdh_generate_keys (#23011)
* fix(ext/node): pass normalized watchFile handler to StatWatcher (#22940)
* fix(ext/node): spread args in setImmediate (#22998)
* fix(ext/node): support Diffie-Hellman key type in
crypto.createPrivateKey() (#22984)
* fix(ext/node): support MessagePort in WorkerOptions.workerData (#22950)
* fix(ext/node): support public key point encoding in ECDH.
generateKeys() (#22976)
* fix(ext/node): worker_threads ESM handling (#22841)
* fix(ext/node): worker_threads doesn't exit if there are
message listeners (#22944)
* fix(ext/web): Fix structuredClone Web API type declaration
(any -> generic) (#22968)
* fix(jupyter): Do not increase counter if store_history=false (#20848)
* fix(lsp): decoding percent-encoding(non-ASCII) file path correctly (#22582)
* fix(lsp): prefer cache over tsc quick fixes (#23093)
* fix(lsp): use registry cache for completion search (#23094)
* fix(runtime): use FQDN in NetDescriptor (#23084)
* fix: do not memoize Deno.ppid (#23006)
* fix: don't panic in test and bench if ops not available (#23055)
* fix: handle cache body file not existing when using etag (#22931)
* fix: less aggressive vendor folder ignoring (#23100)
* perf: warm expensive init code at snapshot time (#22714)
- includes 1.41.3:
* fix(cli): occasional panics on progress bar (#22809)
* fix(cli): show asserts before leaks (#22904)
* fix(cli): unbreak extension example and fix __runtime_js_sources (#22906)
* fix(cli): use Instant for test times (#22853)
* fix(config): add unstable features as examples to config schema (#22814)
* fix(config): remove pkg name example and add pattern to schema (#22813)
* fix(ext/node): add more named curves in
crypto.generateKeyPair[Sync]() (#22882)
* fix(ext/node) implement receiveMessageOnPort for node:worker_threads (#22766)
* fix(ext/node): DH (dhKeyAgreement) support for createPrivateKey (#22891)
* fix(ext/node): Add Immediate class to mirror NodeJS.Immediate (#22808)
* fix(ext/node): Implement isBuiltin in node:module (#22817)
* fix(ext/node): Match punycode module behavior to node (#22847)
* fix(ext/node): Support private EC key signing (#22914)
* fix(ext/node): allow automatic worker_thread termination (#22647)
* fix(ext/node): crypto.getCipherInfo() (#22916)
* fix(ext/node): flush brotli decompression stream (#22856)
* fix(ext/node): initial crypto.createPublicKey() support (#22509)
* fix(ext/node): make worker ids sequential (#22884)
* fix(ext/node): make worker setup synchronous (#22815)
* fix(ext/node): support spki format in createPublicKey (#22918)
* fix(ext/node): support junction symlinks on Windows (#22762)
* fix(ext/node): worker_threads.parentPort is updated on startup (#20794)
* fix(ext/websocket): do not continue reading if socket rid closes (#21849)
* fix(node): add nul byte to statfs path on windows (#22905)
* fix(node): implement fs.statfs() (#22862)
* fix(node): require of pkg json imports was broken (#22821)
* fix(node): resolve .css files in npm packages when type checking (#22804)
* fix(node): resolve types via package.json for directory import (#22878)
* fix(node:http) Export validateHeaderName and
validateHeaderValue functions (#22616)
* fix(publish): ability to un-exclude when .gitignore ignores
everything (#22805)
* fix(publish): regression - publishing with vendor folder (#22830)
* fix(publish): suggest using --allow-dirty on uncommitted changes (#22810)
* fix(publish): typo in --allow-dirty help text (#22799)
* fix(runtime): Restore default signal handler after user handlers are
unregistered (#22757)
* fix(runtime): negate partial condition for deny flags (#22866)
* fix(slow-types): improved exports tracing and infer type
literals in as exprs (#22849)
* fix: fix crate vulnerabilities (#22825)
* fix: stop type checking during runtime (#22854)
* fix: support sloppy resolution to file where directory exists (#22800)
* fix: typo in error from GPUBuffer.prototype.mapAsync (#22913)
* perf(permissions): Fast exit from checks when permission is
in "fully-granted" state (#22894)
- rebase deno-rm-upgrade-cmd.patch

Request History
Avindra Goolcharan's avatar

avindra created request

- update to 1.44.1
* many changes since April 4, see GitHub releases for info
- add deno-rm-upgrade.patch (merged 2 patches)
- remove deno-disable-update-check.patch
- remove deno-rm-upgrade-cmd.patch
- update to 1.42.1:
* fix(check): ignore certain diagnostics in remote modules and
when publishing (#23119)
* fix(ext/node): support stdin: "inherit" in node:child_process (#23110)
* fix(ext/node): use tty stdin from ext/io (#23044)
* fix(jsr): exclude yanked versions from 'deno add' and completions (#23113)
* fix(lsp): don't apply preload limit to workspace walk (#23123)
* fix(lsp): implement missing ts server host apis (#23131)
* fix(node): handle empty 'main' entry in pkg json (#23155)
* fix(node): remove unwrap in op_require_node_module_paths (#23114)
* fix: deno_graph 0.69.10 (#23147)
- update to 1.42.0:
* feat(add): always produce multiline config file (#23077)
* feat(ext/node): add riscv64 in process.arch (#23016)
* feat(init): use jsr specifier for @std/assert (#23073)
* feat(install): require -g / --global flag (#23060)
* feat(lint): deno lint --fix and lsp quick fixes (#22615)
* feat(lint): automatically opt-in packages to jsr lint tag (#23072)
* feat(node): load ES modules defined as CJS (#22945)
* feat(publish): check for uncommitted files in
deno publish --dry-run (#22981)
* feat(task): Task description in the form of comments (#23101)
* feat(task): cross-platform shebang support (#23091)
* feat(unstable/publish): error when a package's module is excluded from
publishing (#22948)
* feat: TypeScript 5.4 (#23086)
* feat: add --watch-exclude flag (#21935)
* feat: deno_task_shell 0.15 (#23019)
* feat: remove deprecated methods from namespace with DENO_FUTURE=1 (#23075)
* feat: type declarations for new Set methods (#23090)
* fix(bench): Fix group header printing logic + don't filter
out the warmup benchmark (#23083)
* fix(check): do not suggest running with --unstable (#23092)
* fix(cli): output more detailed information for steps when
using JUnit reporter (#22797)
* fix(cli): sanitizer should ignore count of ops started before
tests begin (#22932)
* fix(coverage): Error if no files are included in the report (#22952)
* fix(ext/fetch): do not truncate field value in EventSource (#22368)
* fix(ext/fetch): make EventSource more robust (#22493)
* fix(ext/node): ECDH.publicKey() point encoding (#23013)
* fix(ext/node): FsWatcher ref and unref (#22987)
* fix(ext/node): Reimplement StringDecoder to match node's behavior (#22933)
* fix(ext/node): add crypto.getRandomValues (#23028)
* fix(ext/node): add crypto.subtle (#23027)
* fix(ext/node): add process.setSourceMapsEnabled noop (#22993)
* fix(ext/node): handle KeyObject in prepareAsymmetricKey (#23026)
* fix(ext/node): handle null in stdio array (#23048)
* fix(ext/node): implement EventEmitterAsyncResource (#22994)
* fix(ext/node): implement v8 serialize and deserialize (#22975)
* fix(ext/node): panic in op_node_ecdh_generate_keys (#23011)
* fix(ext/node): pass normalized watchFile handler to StatWatcher (#22940)
* fix(ext/node): spread args in setImmediate (#22998)
* fix(ext/node): support Diffie-Hellman key type in
crypto.createPrivateKey() (#22984)
* fix(ext/node): support MessagePort in WorkerOptions.workerData (#22950)
* fix(ext/node): support public key point encoding in ECDH.
generateKeys() (#22976)
* fix(ext/node): worker_threads ESM handling (#22841)
* fix(ext/node): worker_threads doesn't exit if there are
message listeners (#22944)
* fix(ext/web): Fix structuredClone Web API type declaration
(any -> generic) (#22968)
* fix(jupyter): Do not increase counter if store_history=false (#20848)
* fix(lsp): decoding percent-encoding(non-ASCII) file path correctly (#22582)
* fix(lsp): prefer cache over tsc quick fixes (#23093)
* fix(lsp): use registry cache for completion search (#23094)
* fix(runtime): use FQDN in NetDescriptor (#23084)
* fix: do not memoize Deno.ppid (#23006)
* fix: don't panic in test and bench if ops not available (#23055)
* fix: handle cache body file not existing when using etag (#22931)
* fix: less aggressive vendor folder ignoring (#23100)
* perf: warm expensive init code at snapshot time (#22714)
- includes 1.41.3:
* fix(cli): occasional panics on progress bar (#22809)
* fix(cli): show asserts before leaks (#22904)
* fix(cli): unbreak extension example and fix __runtime_js_sources (#22906)
* fix(cli): use Instant for test times (#22853)
* fix(config): add unstable features as examples to config schema (#22814)
* fix(config): remove pkg name example and add pattern to schema (#22813)
* fix(ext/node): add more named curves in
crypto.generateKeyPair[Sync]() (#22882)
* fix(ext/node) implement receiveMessageOnPort for node:worker_threads (#22766)
* fix(ext/node): DH (dhKeyAgreement) support for createPrivateKey (#22891)
* fix(ext/node): Add Immediate class to mirror NodeJS.Immediate (#22808)
* fix(ext/node): Implement isBuiltin in node:module (#22817)
* fix(ext/node): Match punycode module behavior to node (#22847)
* fix(ext/node): Support private EC key signing (#22914)
* fix(ext/node): allow automatic worker_thread termination (#22647)
* fix(ext/node): crypto.getCipherInfo() (#22916)
* fix(ext/node): flush brotli decompression stream (#22856)
* fix(ext/node): initial crypto.createPublicKey() support (#22509)
* fix(ext/node): make worker ids sequential (#22884)
* fix(ext/node): make worker setup synchronous (#22815)
* fix(ext/node): support spki format in createPublicKey (#22918)
* fix(ext/node): support junction symlinks on Windows (#22762)
* fix(ext/node): worker_threads.parentPort is updated on startup (#20794)
* fix(ext/websocket): do not continue reading if socket rid closes (#21849)
* fix(node): add nul byte to statfs path on windows (#22905)
* fix(node): implement fs.statfs() (#22862)
* fix(node): require of pkg json imports was broken (#22821)
* fix(node): resolve .css files in npm packages when type checking (#22804)
* fix(node): resolve types via package.json for directory import (#22878)
* fix(node:http) Export validateHeaderName and
validateHeaderValue functions (#22616)
* fix(publish): ability to un-exclude when .gitignore ignores
everything (#22805)
* fix(publish): regression - publishing with vendor folder (#22830)
* fix(publish): suggest using --allow-dirty on uncommitted changes (#22810)
* fix(publish): typo in --allow-dirty help text (#22799)
* fix(runtime): Restore default signal handler after user handlers are
unregistered (#22757)
* fix(runtime): negate partial condition for deny flags (#22866)
* fix(slow-types): improved exports tracing and infer type
literals in as exprs (#22849)
* fix: fix crate vulnerabilities (#22825)
* fix: stop type checking during runtime (#22854)
* fix: support sloppy resolution to file where directory exists (#22800)
* fix: typo in error from GPUBuffer.prototype.mapAsync (#22913)
* perf(permissions): Fast exit from checks when permission is
in "fully-granted" state (#22894)
- rebase deno-rm-upgrade-cmd.patch

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added opensuse-review-team as a reviewer

Please review sources

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot added openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:7 as a reviewer

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:7"

Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot accepted review

Picked "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:7"

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

The legal review is accepted preliminary. The package may require actions later on.

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar accepted review

Ana Guerrero's avatar

anag+factory accepted review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:7 got accepted.

Ana Guerrero's avatar

anag+factory approved review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:7 got accepted.

Ana Guerrero's avatar

anag+factory accepted request

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:7 got accepted.

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