
Request 1180040 declined

Version 1.10:
* Build zypper-migration and zypper-packages-search as standalone
binaries rather then one single binary
* Add --gpg-auto-import-keys flag before action in zypper command (bsc#1219004)
* Include /etc/products.d in directories whose content are backed
up and restored if a zypper-migration rollback happens. (bsc#1219004)
* Add the ability to upload the system uptime logs, produced by the
suse-uptime-tracker daemon, to SCC/RMT as part of keepalive report.
(jsc#PED-7982) (jsc#PED-8018)
* Add support for third party packages in SUSEConnect
* Refactor existing system information collection implementation

Request History
Felix Schnizlein's avatar

fschnizlein created request

Version 1.10:
* Build zypper-migration and zypper-packages-search as standalone
binaries rather then one single binary
* Add --gpg-auto-import-keys flag before action in zypper command (bsc#1219004)
* Include /etc/products.d in directories whose content are backed
up and restored if a zypper-migration rollback happens. (bsc#1219004)
* Add the ability to upload the system uptime logs, produced by the
suse-uptime-tracker daemon, to SCC/RMT as part of keepalive report.
(jsc#PED-7982) (jsc#PED-8018)
* Add support for third party packages in SUSEConnect
* Refactor existing system information collection implementation

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto declined review

No changelog. Please use 'osc vc' to update the changes file(s).

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto declined request

No changelog. Please use 'osc vc' to update the changes file(s).

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