
Request 1180949 accepted

- Update to version 2.51.0:
* Gracefully degrade when fetching annotations fails due to 403 (#9113)
* build(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.34.1 to 1.34.2
* build(deps): bump github.com/gorilla/websocket from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2
* Bump go-keyring to fix keepassxc prompt confirmation
* build(deps): bump goreleaser/goreleaser-action from 5 to 6
* replaced deprecated --json-result flag with --format=json in the gh at docstring.
* build(deps): bump actions/attest-build-provenance from 1.1.2 to 1.2.0
* Specify rpm repository to avoid conflicts with community repositories
* Add `signer-repo` and `signer-workflow` flags to `gh attestation verify` (#9137)
* Ensure signed RPMs have attestations

Request History
Pavel Dostál's avatar

pdostal created request

- Update to version 2.51.0:
* Gracefully degrade when fetching annotations fails due to 403 (#9113)
* build(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.34.1 to 1.34.2
* build(deps): bump github.com/gorilla/websocket from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2
* Bump go-keyring to fix keepassxc prompt confirmation
* build(deps): bump goreleaser/goreleaser-action from 5 to 6
* replaced deprecated --json-result flag with --format=json in the gh at docstring.
* build(deps): bump actions/attest-build-provenance from 1.1.2 to 1.2.0
* Specify rpm repository to avoid conflicts with community repositories
* Add `signer-repo` and `signer-workflow` flags to `gh attestation verify` (#9137)
* Ensure signed RPMs have attestations

Pavel Dostál's avatar

pdostal accepted request

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