
Request 1181041 superseded

- Add zsh completion subpackage
- Fixup rpmlintrc
- Document that we are using lua51 includes because luajit includes
are missing from the openSUSE package
* boo#1226307
- Switch back to gcc because clang fails on armv7l
- Update to 0.15.3:
* A lot of breaking changes in the transition to 0.15.0
* Bug Fixes
- build: Distribute vendored compat-5.3.c source file
- build: Remove Git from configure dependencies
- classes: Correct order of operations when paragraphs are ended manually
- packages: Change retrograde package so 'target' version works as expected
- build: Bundle all assets in source distribution
- core: Allow LUA_PATH env var to take effect at runtime
- New build dependencies
* cargo/rust
* clang to replicate upstream's choice of c compiler
* jq
- Switch to lua51 for luajit. luajit only supports lua51 for now
- New subpackages: fish and bash completions


Caleb Maclennan's avatar

Nice work on this, thanks for the effort packaging. As the upstream on this it does feel like there are a few things we could refine to make downstream packaging easier. I'll commend on that in the issue you already opened. Two notes about this packaging...o

  1. As I understand it this is not built against LuaJIT at all. That being the case, I think lua51-compat53 needs to be marked as Requires as well as BuildRequires. It is used at build time for some Lua C modules, so it's always needed at build time, you have that. At run time it is used to shim some functions in the Lua VM for Lua 5.1 and 5.2. Lua 5.3+ or LuaJIT don't need shimming (the latter including the shims we need anyway). But if this is really using Lua 5.1, it does need the runtime shimming too.

  2. I assume the plan here is to fix the luajit package to include headers so that this can be eventually switched to that, correct? You could also get this to build with LuaJIT even without the system providing headers using --without-system-lua-sources, but I also understand that brings you to the trouble with offline builds. If there is anything I can do to fix that upstream let me know, I'm happy to make it possible for folks to get the 2× speed benefit of LuaJIT.

Both those points might be moot if I'm misunderstanding CARGO_FEATURE_VENDORED=1. Is that being used here to trick the configure phase into thinking it's using local Lua sources and then actually not doing that at build time?

Request History
Gordon Leung's avatar

Pi-Cla created request

- Add zsh completion subpackage
- Fixup rpmlintrc
- Document that we are using lua51 includes because luajit includes
are missing from the openSUSE package
* boo#1226307
- Switch back to gcc because clang fails on armv7l
- Update to 0.15.3:
* A lot of breaking changes in the transition to 0.15.0
* Bug Fixes
- build: Distribute vendored compat-5.3.c source file
- build: Remove Git from configure dependencies
- classes: Correct order of operations when paragraphs are ended manually
- packages: Change retrograde package so 'target' version works as expected
- build: Bundle all assets in source distribution
- core: Allow LUA_PATH env var to take effect at runtime
- New build dependencies
* cargo/rust
* clang to replicate upstream's choice of c compiler
* jq
- Switch to lua51 for luajit. luajit only supports lua51 for now
- New subpackages: fish and bash completions

Ana Guerrero's avatar

anag+factory added openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:1 as a reviewer

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:1"

Ana Guerrero's avatar

anag+factory accepted review

Picked "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:1"

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added opensuse-review-team as a reviewer

Please review sources

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

The legal review is accepted preliminary. The package may require actions later on.

Marcus Rueckert's avatar

darix declined request

your completion packages also need to require the main package I guess?

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