
Request 1181621 superseded

- Add export LUA_INCLUDE="-I/usr/include/luajit-5_1-2.1"
so that we are finally building with LuaJIT headers.
* I don't know why the configure file does not detect them by default
are they placed in a non-standard location?
* Since the headers exist I will close boo#1226307 I guess...
- Point to use LuaJIT headers and use LuaJIT for Sile
- Add zsh completion subpackage
- Fixup rpmlintrc
- Document that we are using lua51 includes because luajit includes
are missing from the openSUSE package
* boo#1226307
- Switch back to gcc because clang fails on armv7l
- Update to 0.15.3:
* A lot of breaking changes in the transition to 0.15.0
* Bug Fixes
- build: Distribute vendored compat-5.3.c source file
- build: Remove Git from configure dependencies
- classes: Correct order of operations when paragraphs are ended manually
- packages: Change retrograde package so 'target' version works as expected
- build: Bundle all assets in source distribution
- core: Allow LUA_PATH env var to take effect at runtime
- New build dependencies
* cargo/rust
* clang to replicate upstream's choice of c compiler
* jq
- Switch to lua51 for luajit. luajit only supports lua51 for now
- New subpackages: fish and bash completions

Request History
Gordon Leung's avatar

Pi-Cla created request

- Add export LUA_INCLUDE="-I/usr/include/luajit-5_1-2.1"
so that we are finally building with LuaJIT headers.
* I don't know why the configure file does not detect them by default
are they placed in a non-standard location?
* Since the headers exist I will close boo#1226307 I guess...
- Point to use LuaJIT headers and use LuaJIT for Sile
- Add zsh completion subpackage
- Fixup rpmlintrc
- Document that we are using lua51 includes because luajit includes
are missing from the openSUSE package
* boo#1226307
- Switch back to gcc because clang fails on armv7l
- Update to 0.15.3:
* A lot of breaking changes in the transition to 0.15.0
* Bug Fixes
- build: Distribute vendored compat-5.3.c source file
- build: Remove Git from configure dependencies
- classes: Correct order of operations when paragraphs are ended manually
- packages: Change retrograde package so 'target' version works as expected
- build: Bundle all assets in source distribution
- core: Allow LUA_PATH env var to take effect at runtime
- New build dependencies
* cargo/rust
* clang to replicate upstream's choice of c compiler
* jq
- Switch to lua51 for luajit. luajit only supports lua51 for now
- New subpackages: fish and bash completions

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