
Request 1182748 accepted

New package.
Since version 5.2.0 of python-lxml this package is needed to build other packages.

Eric Schirra's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

Please accept it. It needed for calibre and I think for many other package since python-lxml was updated to >= 5.2

Eric Schirra's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

Please accept this without fail. It is urgently required. Or revert the update of python-lxml. Please also read the changelog for the new version of python-lxml.

Request History
Eric Schirra's avatar

ecsos created request

New package.
Since version 5.2.0 of python-lxml this package is needed to build other packages.

Matej Cepl's avatar

mcepl accepted request

Yes, this looks good. I am sorry for late reaction.

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