
Request 1183055 accepted

- Update to version 2.3.9:
* Increase version number
* Update rootcerts.pem
* cmake: Remove old way to find gcrypt
* Fix build with libgcrypt-1.11
* CI: Build all plugins
* gitignore: add VS Code dir
* Replace deprecated qAsConst() with std::as_const()
* cmake: Enable C++17
* Fix use of deprecated QString::count()


Christophe Marin's avatar

Do we still need the _service file?

Fabian Vogt's avatar
author target maintainer

Technically it can be a tarball URL again but using git directly is the future anyway for multiple reasons

Request History
Fabian Vogt's avatar

Vogtinator created request

- Update to version 2.3.9:
* Increase version number
* Update rootcerts.pem
* cmake: Remove old way to find gcrypt
* Fix build with libgcrypt-1.11
* CI: Build all plugins
* gitignore: add VS Code dir
* Replace deprecated qAsConst() with std::as_const()
* cmake: Enable C++17
* Fix use of deprecated QString::count()

Christophe Marin's avatar

krop accepted request

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