
Request 1184021 accepted

- update to 2.6.0:
* Avoid crash when can not get human readable description
* Update codeql-analysis.yml (#653).
* Fix CI: Change assert self.app.timezone.zone to assert
self.app.timezone.key (#664).
* Drop Django 4.0 from CI to avoid security issues (#662).
* Fix Issue #388: Celery Beat scheduled tasks may be executed
repeatedly (#660).
* Update README.rst (#670).
* Update runtime.txt to include Django 5.0 (#681).
* Replace case.patching fixture with mockeypatch + MagicMock
* Update README.rst - Crontab effect description (#689).
* Update supported Python & Django version in setup.py (#672).
* Add Python 3.12 to test matrix and add classifier (#690).
* Django v5.0: django.utils.timezone.utc alias -->
datetime.timezone.utc (#703).
* Upgrade GitHub Actions and PyPy 3.10 and Django 5.0 (#699).
* Testing Django v5.0 on pypy-3.10-v7.3.14 passes (#705).
* Prepare for release v2.6.0 to support Py3.12 and Dj5.0
* GitHub Actions: Do not hardcode an out-of-date version of
PyPy (#715).
* Use the same order in the admin as in the cron schedule
expression (#716).
* Upgrade pip and GitHub Actions dependencies with dependabot
* Update pytest requirement from <8.0,>=6.2.5 to >=6.2.5,<9.0
* Remove requirements/test-djangoXY.txt (#728).
* Remove code for unsupported django.VERSION < (3, 2) (#729).
* Added sphinxcontrib-django to extensions (#736).
- drop support-zoneinfo.patch (upstream)

Request History
Dirk Mueller's avatar

dirkmueller created request

- update to 2.6.0:
* Avoid crash when can not get human readable description
* Update codeql-analysis.yml (#653).
* Fix CI: Change assert self.app.timezone.zone to assert
self.app.timezone.key (#664).
* Drop Django 4.0 from CI to avoid security issues (#662).
* Fix Issue #388: Celery Beat scheduled tasks may be executed
repeatedly (#660).
* Update README.rst (#670).
* Update runtime.txt to include Django 5.0 (#681).
* Replace case.patching fixture with mockeypatch + MagicMock
* Update README.rst - Crontab effect description (#689).
* Update supported Python & Django version in setup.py (#672).
* Add Python 3.12 to test matrix and add classifier (#690).
* Django v5.0: django.utils.timezone.utc alias -->
datetime.timezone.utc (#703).
* Upgrade GitHub Actions and PyPy 3.10 and Django 5.0 (#699).
* Testing Django v5.0 on pypy-3.10-v7.3.14 passes (#705).
* Prepare for release v2.6.0 to support Py3.12 and Dj5.0
* GitHub Actions: Do not hardcode an out-of-date version of
PyPy (#715).
* Use the same order in the admin as in the cron schedule
expression (#716).
* Upgrade pip and GitHub Actions dependencies with dependabot
* Update pytest requirement from <8.0,>=6.2.5 to >=6.2.5,<9.0
* Remove requirements/test-djangoXY.txt (#728).
* Remove code for unsupported django.VERSION < (3, 2) (#729).
* Added sphinxcontrib-django to extensions (#736).
- drop support-zoneinfo.patch (upstream)

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staging-bot added openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:13 as a reviewer

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:13"

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The legal review is accepted preliminary. The package may require actions later on.

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Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse accepted review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:13 got accepted.

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse approved review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:13 got accepted.

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse accepted request

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:13 got accepted.

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