
Request 1184164 accepted

- update to 1.8.3:
* Add support for untagged CPython builds with versions ending
with a `+` (#9207).
* Require `pkginfo>=1.10` to ensure support for packages with
metadata version 2.3 (#9130).
* Improve locking on FIPS systems (#9152).
* Fix an issue where unrecognized package metadata versions
silently resulted in empty dependencies (#9203,
* #9226).
* Fix an issue where trailing slashes in git URLs where not
handled correctly (#9205).
* Fix an issue where `poetry self` commands printed a warning
that the current project cannot be installed (#9302).
* Fix an issue where `poetry install` sporadically failed with
a `KeyError` due to a race condition (#9335).
* Fix incorrect information about `poetry shell` (#9060).
* Add a git subdirectory example to `poetry add` (#9080).
* Mention interactive credential configuration (#9074).
* Add notes for optional advanced installation steps (#9098).
* Add reference to configuration credentials in documentation
of poetry `publish` (#9110).
* Improve documentation for configuring credentials via
environment variables (#9121).
* Remove misleading wording around virtual environments
* Remove outdated advice regarding seeding keyring backends
* Add a `pyproject.toml` example for a dependency with multiple
extras (#9138).
* Clarify help of `poetry add` (#9230).

Request History
Dirk Mueller's avatar

dirkmueller created request

- update to 1.8.3:
* Add support for untagged CPython builds with versions ending
with a `+` (#9207).
* Require `pkginfo>=1.10` to ensure support for packages with
metadata version 2.3 (#9130).
* Improve locking on FIPS systems (#9152).
* Fix an issue where unrecognized package metadata versions
silently resulted in empty dependencies (#9203,
* #9226).
* Fix an issue where trailing slashes in git URLs where not
handled correctly (#9205).
* Fix an issue where `poetry self` commands printed a warning
that the current project cannot be installed (#9302).
* Fix an issue where `poetry install` sporadically failed with
a `KeyError` due to a race condition (#9335).
* Fix incorrect information about `poetry shell` (#9060).
* Add a git subdirectory example to `poetry add` (#9080).
* Mention interactive credential configuration (#9074).
* Add notes for optional advanced installation steps (#9098).
* Add reference to configuration credentials in documentation
of poetry `publish` (#9110).
* Improve documentation for configuring credentials via
environment variables (#9121).
* Remove misleading wording around virtual environments
* Remove outdated advice regarding seeding keyring backends
* Add a `pyproject.toml` example for a dependency with multiple
extras (#9138).
* Clarify help of `poetry add` (#9230).

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Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:63 got accepted.

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dimstar_suse approved review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:63 got accepted.

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse accepted request

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:63 got accepted.

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