
Request 1184776 accepted

- update to 2.8.0:
* Update citation version automatically with new releases
* Bump pyright to `v1.1.367` and add type checking tests for
pipeline API
* Update `pydantic.v1` stub to `v1.10.17`
* General package updates to prep for `v2.8.0b1`
* Bump `pydantic-core` to `v2.20.0`
* Add support for Python 3.13
* Update `pdm` version used for `pdm.lock` to v2.16.1
* Update to `ruff` `v0.4.8`
* Experimental: support `defer_build` for `TypeAdapter`
* Implement `deprecated` field in json schema
* Experimental: Add pipeline API
* Add support for programmatic title generation
* Implement `fail_fast` feature
* Add `ser_json_inf_nan='strings'` mode to produce valid JSON
* Replace `__spec__.parent` with `__package__`
* Fix Outputted Model JSON Schema for `Sequence` type
* Fix typing of `_frame_depth`
* Make `ImportString` json schema compatible
* Hide private attributes (`PrivateAttr`) from `__init__`
signature in type checkers
* Make detection of `TypeVar` defaults robust to the CPython
`PEP-696` implementation
* Fix usage of `PlainSerializer` with builtin types
* Add more robust custom validation examples
* Fix ignored `strict` specification for
* Use `Self` where possible
* Do not alter `RootModel.model_construct` signature in the

Request History
Dirk Mueller's avatar

dirkmueller created request

- update to 2.8.0:
* Update citation version automatically with new releases
* Bump pyright to `v1.1.367` and add type checking tests for
pipeline API
* Update `pydantic.v1` stub to `v1.10.17`
* General package updates to prep for `v2.8.0b1`
* Bump `pydantic-core` to `v2.20.0`
* Add support for Python 3.13
* Update `pdm` version used for `pdm.lock` to v2.16.1
* Update to `ruff` `v0.4.8`
* Experimental: support `defer_build` for `TypeAdapter`
* Implement `deprecated` field in json schema
* Experimental: Add pipeline API
* Add support for programmatic title generation
* Implement `fail_fast` feature
* Add `ser_json_inf_nan='strings'` mode to produce valid JSON
* Replace `__spec__.parent` with `__package__`
* Fix Outputted Model JSON Schema for `Sequence` type
* Fix typing of `_frame_depth`
* Make `ImportString` json schema compatible
* Hide private attributes (`PrivateAttr`) from `__init__`
signature in type checkers
* Make detection of `TypeVar` defaults robust to the CPython
`PEP-696` implementation
* Fix usage of `PlainSerializer` with builtin types
* Add more robust custom validation examples
* Fix ignored `strict` specification for
* Use `Self` where possible
* Do not alter `RootModel.model_construct` signature in the

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added opensuse-review-team as a reviewer

Please review sources

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review


Ana Guerrero's avatar

anag+factory set openSUSE:Factory:Staging:F as a staging project

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:F"

Ana Guerrero's avatar

anag+factory accepted review

Picked "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:F"

Marcus Rueckert's avatar

darix accepted review

Accepted review for by_group opensuse-review-team request 1184776 from user anag+factory

Ana Guerrero's avatar

anag+factory accepted review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:F got accepted.

Ana Guerrero's avatar

anag+factory approved review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:F got accepted.

Ana Guerrero's avatar

anag+factory accepted request

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:F got accepted.

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