Request 1184790 accepted
- Update to version 0.5.5:
* Highlights:
- Hotfix release to address crashes in the Bluetooth HSP/HFP
autoswitch functionality that were side-effects of some
changes that were part of the role-based linking policy
* Improvements:
- wpctl will now properly show a '*' in front of sink filters
when they are selected as the default sink (!660)
Request History
alarrosa created request
- Update to version 0.5.5:
* Highlights:
- Hotfix release to address crashes in the Bluetooth HSP/HFP
autoswitch functionality that were side-effects of some
changes that were part of the role-based linking policy
* Improvements:
- wpctl will now properly show a '*' in front of sink filters
when they are selected as the default sink (!660)
alarrosa accepted request