
Request 1184951 accepted

- go1.21.12 (released 2024-07-02) includes security fixes to the
net/http package, as well as bug fixes to the compiler, the go
command, the runtime, and the crypto/x509, net/http, net/netip,
and os packages.
Refs boo#1212475 go1.21 release tracking
* go#68199 go#67555 boo#1227314 security: fix CVE CVE-2024-24791 net/http: expect: 100-continue handling is broken in various ways
* go#67297 runtime: "fatal: morestack on g0" on amd64 after upgrade to Go 1.21, stale bounds
* go#67426 cmd/link: need to handle new-style loong64 relocs
* go#67714 cmd/cgo/internal/swig,cmd/go,x/build: swig cgo tests incompatible with C++ toolchain on builders
* go#67849 go/internal/gccgoimporter: go building failing with gcc 14.1.0
* go#67933 net: go DNS resolver fails to connect to local DNS server
* go#67944 cmd/link: using -fuzz with test that links with cgo on darwin causes linker failure
* go#68051 cmd/go: go list -u -m all fails loading module retractions: module requires go >= 1.N+1 (running go 1.N)

Request History
Jeff Kowalczyk's avatar

jfkw created request

- go1.21.12 (released 2024-07-02) includes security fixes to the
net/http package, as well as bug fixes to the compiler, the go
command, the runtime, and the crypto/x509, net/http, net/netip,
and os packages.
Refs boo#1212475 go1.21 release tracking
* go#68199 go#67555 boo#1227314 security: fix CVE CVE-2024-24791 net/http: expect: 100-continue handling is broken in various ways
* go#67297 runtime: "fatal: morestack on g0" on amd64 after upgrade to Go 1.21, stale bounds
* go#67426 cmd/link: need to handle new-style loong64 relocs
* go#67714 cmd/cgo/internal/swig,cmd/go,x/build: swig cgo tests incompatible with C++ toolchain on builders
* go#67849 go/internal/gccgoimporter: go building failing with gcc 14.1.0
* go#67933 net: go DNS resolver fails to connect to local DNS server
* go#67944 cmd/link: using -fuzz with test that links with cgo on darwin causes linker failure
* go#68051 cmd/go: go list -u -m all fails loading module retractions: module requires go >= 1.N+1 (running go 1.N)

Jeff Kowalczyk's avatar

jfkw accepted review

Review OK for devel:languages:go

Jeff Kowalczyk's avatar

jfkw approved review

Review OK for devel:languages:go

Jeff Kowalczyk's avatar

jfkw accepted request

Accept to devel:languages:go

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